67 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
August 2013


This package provides an interface to the the GraphViz package for graph visualization. There are two primary entry points:

  • The GraphViz.load function (not exported) to load graphs from a file
  • The dot""" string macro for literal inline specifications of graphs

Both of these accept Graph type accepts graph in DOT format. To load a graph from a non-constant string, use GraphViz.load with an IOBuffer.

Getting started

If you already have a graph you would like to work with, the following code snippets may be helpful. If not, have a look at the "Simple Examples" section below

using GraphViz
 digraph graphname {
     a -> b -> c;
     b -> d;


After obtaining the package through the package manager, the following suffices to load the package:

using GraphViz

Note that graphviz has many configuration options. In particular, both the Cairo and the GTK backends may be disabled by default.

Simple Examples

Try the following in an IJulia Notebook (this example is taken from here):

graph graphname {
     // The label attribute can be used to change the label of a node
     a [label="Foo"];
     // Here, the node shape is changed.
     b [shape=box];
     // These edges both have different line properties
     a -- b -- c [color=blue];
     b -- d [style=dotted];

Required Packages