26 Packages since 2013
User Packages
Graphs.jl457An optimized graphs package for the Julia programming language
GraphPlot.jl201Graph visualization for Julia.
MultilayerGraphs.jl118A Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of the structure, dynamics and functions of multilayer graphs.
MatrixNetworks.jl109Graph and Network algorithms in Julia
NetworkLayout.jl97Layout algorithms for graphs and trees in pure Julia.
MetaGraphsNext.jl73A package for graphs with vertex labels and metadata in Julia
GraphViz.jl67Julia Binding to the GraphViz library
GraphIO.jl61Graph IO functionality for various formats.
MetaGraphs.jl58Graph data structures with multiple heterogeneous metadata for Graphs.jl.
SimpleWeightedGraphs.jl37Edge-weighted graphs compatible with Graphs.jl
LightGraphsFlows.jl36Flow algorithms on LightGraphs
StaticGraphs.jl33Memory-efficient immutable LightGraphs.
GraphDataFrameBridge.jl30Tools for interoperability between DataFrame objects and LightGraphs and MetaGraphs objects
GraphsFlows.jl27Flow algorithms on Graphs.jl
LightGraphsExtras.jl21Additional functionality for LightGraphs.jl
GraphsOptim.jl17A package for graph optimization algorithms that rely on mathematical programming.
VegaGraphs.jl16Create beatiful and interactive visualizations for graphs using Vega-Lite
GraphsMatching.jl16Matching algorithms for Graphs.jl
SNAPDatasets.jl16LightGraphs.jl-formatted graph files taken from the SNAP Datasets collection.
CommunityDetection.jl14Community Detection algorithms for LightGraphs
LightGraphsMatching.jl13Matching algorithms for LightGraphs.jl
GraphsBase.jl12Basic interface and structures for the JuliaGraphs ecosystem
SpecialGraphs.jl8Encoding special graph structures in types
GraphCentrality.jl4(DEPRECATED) Centrality measures for Graphs.jl
Graph500.jl4Graph500 benchmarks written in Julia using LightGraphs
GraphsInterfaceChecker.jl3Formalization of the AbstractGraph interface from Graphs.jl, specified using Interfaces.jl.
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