
Author mmikhasenko
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2 Months Ago
Started In
March 2024


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The HadronicLineshapes package provides a collection of models for describing hadronic scattering processes in particle physics. It supports the analysis of hadronic resonances by offering various lineshape functions and utilities for flexible mathematical operations.

Exposed Types and Functions

The package exposes the following key types and functions:

  • AbstractFlexFunc: Base type for flexible operations on lineshape functions.

  • Utility Types:

    • WrapFlexFunction: Wraps functions for extended flexibility.
    • ComposeFlexFunc: Enables the composition of multiple functions.
    • ScaleFlexFunc: Allows scaling of functions.
    • ProductFlexFunc: Facilitates the creation of product functions.
  • Form Factors:

    • BlattWeisskopf: Describes the Blatt-Weisskopf barrier factors.
    • MomentumPower: Represents momentum-dependent terms in scattering.
  • Lineshape Models:

    • BreitWigner: Standard Breit-Wigner resonance model.
    • MultichannelBreitWigner: Breit-Wigner model extended to multiple channels.
    • Flatte: Model for resonances near a threshold with coupled channels.
  • Functions:

    • breakup: Computes breakup momentum in two-body decays.
    • orbital_momentum: Computes the orbital momentum in scattering processes.


If you want to make contributions of any kind, please first that a look into our contributing guide directly on GitHub or the contributing page on the website.


HadronicLineshapes is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project repository for more details.


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