
Hive, Spark SQL, Impala client. Based on Thrift and HiveServer2 protocol.
Author JuliaDatabases
15 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
October 2015


A client for distributed SQL engines that provide a HiveServer2 interface. E.g.: Hive, Spark SQL, Impala

Build Status


To connect to the server, create an instance of HiveSession.

session = HiveSession()

Without any parameters, this attempts to connect to a server running on localhost port 10000. A remote server can be connected to by specifying the hostname and port number.

session = HiveSession("localhost", 10000)

As of now only SASL-Plain authentication is supported, without any qop. The default implementation authenticates with the same user-id as that of the login shell. That can be overridden by providing an appropriate instance of HiveAuth.

session = HiveSession("localhost", 10000, HiveAuthSASLPlain("uid", "pwd", "zid"))

The thrift TBinaryProtocol is used by default, which is also the default for most server setups. Other protocols can be used by specifying the optional named parameter tprotocol. As of now, :binary and :compact protocols are supported.

session = HiveSession("localhost", 10000; tprotocol=:binary)

Executing Queries

Statement to be executed can be DML, DDL, SET, etc.

Optional config parameter can have additional keyword parameters that will be passed as configuration properties that are overlayed on top of the the existing session configuration before this statement is executed. They apply to this statement only and are not permanent.

When async is true, execution is asynchronous and a PendingResult may be returned. If the returned value is a PendingResult:

  • isready must be called on the PendingResult instance to check for completion.
  • once ready, calling result on it returns ResultSet
  • when not ready, calling result returns the same PendingResult instance
rs = execute(session, "select * from twitter_small where fromid < 100";
             async=true, config=Dict())
while !isready(rs)
rs = result(rs)

Working with a Result Set

Result sets can be iterated upon with iterators and must be closed at the end by calling the close method, to release resources.

Two kinds of iterators are available as of now:

  • record iterator: returns a row at a time as a Tuple.
  • column chunk iterator: returns a list of column name and column data pairs for a block of records

Calling records results in a record iterator:

rs = execute(session, "select * from twitter_small where fromid < 100")
for rec in records(rs)

Calling columnchunks results in a column chunk iterator:

rs = execute(session, "select * from twitter_small where fromid < 100")
for colframe in columnchunks(rs)
    for cols in colframe
        println("name  : ", cols[1])
        println("values: ", cols[2])

All records can be read from a result set by simply calling columnchunk. This should only be used when the result is sure to fit in memory.

rs = execute(session, "select * from twitter_small where fromid < 100")

Pretty Printing Data

An exported type named Tabular can be used to display column chunks in a tabular format. Optional display parameters can be passed:

  • full: whether to display all rows (default is false, i.e. to skip data from the middle to fit display height)
  • compact_if_too_wide: whether to display only column summary if display width is not enough to fit data (default is true)
rs = execute(session, "select * from twitter_small where fromid < 100")
Tabular(columnchunk(rs); full=false, compact_if_too_wide=true)

A convenience iterator that produces Tabular types is also provided:

rs = execute(session, "select * from twitter_small where fromid < 100")
for tab in tabulars(rs)

Fetching Server/Table Metadata

Server configuration can be fetched by calling get_info. Here, info_type is one of the values from the enumeration InfoType, e.g. InfoType.CLI_SERVER_NAME.

info_type = InfoType.CLI_SERVER_NAME
info = get_info(session, info_type)

Catalogs, Schemas, TableTypes, Functions, Tables, Columns defined on the server can be listed by calling the appropriate API listed below. The results are returned as a DataFrame.

# list all catalogs

# list all table types configured

# list all schemas

# schema list can be optionally filtered with catalog and schema name
schemas(session; catalog_pattern="%", schema_pattern="%")

# list all tables

# table list can be optionally filtered
tables(session; catalog_pattern="%", schema_pattern="%",
       table_pattern="%", table_types=[])

# list columns

# columns list can be optionally filtered
columns(session; catalog="", schema_pattern="%",
        table_pattern="%", column_pattern="%")

# list functions matching given function name pattern
functions(session, "%")

# functions list can be optionally filtered
functions(session, "%"; catalog="", schema_pattern="%")

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