IncrementalSVD provides incremental (updating) singular value decomposition. This allows you to update an existing SVD with new columns, and even implement online SVD with streaming data.
For reasons that will be described below, if you want a truncated SVD and your matrix is small enough to fit in memory, you're better off using TSVD. However, IncrementalSVD can do it too:
julia> using IncrementalSVD, LinearAlgebra
julia> X = randn(5, 12);
julia> U, s = isvd(X, 4); # get a rank-4 truncated SVD
julia> Vt = Diagonal(s) \ (U' * X);
Note that Vt
is not returned by isvd
; for reasons described below we compute it afterwards.
uses incremental updating, which is lossy to an extent that depends on the distribution of singular values.
For comparison:
julia> using TSVD
julia> U2, s2, V2 = tsvd(X, 4);
julia> norm(X - U*Diagonal(s)*Vt)
julia> norm(X - U2*Diagonal(s2)*V2')
In this particular case, the rank-4 absolute error with TSVD is a few percent better than with IncrementalSVD. The error of incremental SVD comes from the fact that it works on chunks, and there is a truncation step after each chunk that discards information; see Brand 2006 Eq 5 for more insight.
However, the real use-case for IncrementalSVD is in computing incremental updates or handling cases where X
is too large to fit in memory all at once, and for such applications it handily beats alternatives like random projection + power iteration (e.g., rsvd
from RandomizedLinAlg.jl).
Here's a demo in which we process X
in chunks of 4 columns:
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> using IncrementalSVD: IncrementalSVD as ISVD, isvd # use a shorthand name for the package
julia> X = randn(5, 12);
julia> U, s = ISVD.update!(nothing, nothing, X[:,1:4]); # use `nothing` or `zeros(T, m, r), zeros(T, r)` to initialize
julia> ISVD.update!(U, s, X[:, 5:8]);
julia> ISVD.update!(U, s, X[:, 9:12]);
julia> s
4-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> F = svd(X);
julia> F.S
5-element Vector{Float64}:
is just a thin wrapper over this basic iterative update.
The most straightforward way to reduce error is to retain more components than you actually need.
To estimate this error and how it depends on the number of extra components and the characteristics of the input matrix, in this demo we'll use covariance matrices where eigenvalue isvd
vs svd
for 5 retained components.
Without any extra components, the error for isvd
with twice as many components (10) as we expect to keep (5), the error for rsvd
from RandomizedLinAlg.jl with no extra components has an error of 11% at
(A fraction 2.0 of extra components means that if we're keeping 5 components, we compute with 2.0*5=10 extra components, meaning isvd
is called with 15 components. Only the top 5 are retained for the error calculation.)
In the figure above, isvd
is shown on the left and rsvd
on the right; isvd
wins by a very large margin.
Full details can be found in the analysis script.
You can reduce the amount of memory allocated with each update by supplying a cache for intermediate results.
See ?IncrementalSVD.Cache
IncrementalSVD performs NaN-imputation. While in normal usage it doesn't modify values of X
in-place, see ?IncrementalSVD.impute_nans
Why doesn't isvd
return V
? This is because X
is processed in chunks, and both U
and s
get updated
with each chunk; if we computed V
"on-the-fly", the early rows of V
would be computed from an early
approximation of U
and s
, and thus inconsistent with later rows. The error that comes from not using a fully "trained" U
and s
can be very large.
In online applications, a good strategy might be to "train" U
and s
with enough samples, and then start
computing V
once trained (no longer updating U
and s
But for online applications where you can't afford to throw away anything---even at the cost of large errors in the early columns of Vt
---here's how you can do it:
function isvd_with_Vt(X::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}, nc)
T = float(eltype(X))
U = s = nothing
Vt = zeros(T, nc, size(X, 2))
cache = IncrementalSVD.Cache{T}(size(X,1), nc, nc)
for j = 1:nc:size(X,2)
Xchunk = @view(X[:,j:min(j+nc-1,end)])
U, s = IncrementalSVD.update!(U, s, Xchunk, size(Xchunk, 2) == nc ? cache : nothing)
Vt[:,j:min(j+nc-1,end)] = Diagonal(s) \ (U' * Xchunk)
return U, s, Vt
This is just a minor extension of the source-code for isvd
. Again, this is not recommended.
The main reference is
Brand, M. "Fast low-rank modifications of the thin singular value decomposition." Linear algebra and its applications 415.1 (2006): 20-30.
NaN-imputation is described in
Brand, M. "Incremental singular value decomposition of uncertain data with missing values." Computer Vision—ECCV 2002. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002. 707-720.