41 Packages since 2013
User Packages
IterativeSolvers.jl401Iterative algorithms for solving linear systems, eigensystems, and singular value problems
LinearMaps.jl303A Julia package for defining and working with linear maps, also known as linear transformations or linear operators acting on vectors. The only requirement for a LinearMap is that it can act on a vector (by multiplication) efficiently.
Octavian.jl230Multi-threaded BLAS-like library that provides pure Julia matrix multiplication
MKL.jl205Intel MKL linear algebra backend for Julia
LinearAlgebra.jl148Generic numerical linear algebra in Julia
GenericLinearAlgebra.jl148Generic numerical linear algebra in Julia
BandedMatrices.jl128A Julia package for representing banded matrices
AlgebraicMultigrid.jl117Algebraic Multigrid in Julia
LowRankApprox.jl109Fast low-rank matrix approximation in Julia
AppleAccelerate.jl96Julia interface to the macOS Accelerate framework
ArnoldiMethod.jl96The Arnoldi Method with Krylov-Schur restart, natively in Julia.
MatrixDepot.jl74An Extensible Test Matrix Collection for Julia
Arpack.jl69Julia Wrappers for the arpack-ng Fortran library
ToeplitzMatrices.jl66Fast matrix multiplication and division for Toeplitz matrices in Julia
BlockBandedMatrices.jl56A Julia package for representing block-banded matrices and banded-block-banded matrices
ArrayLayouts.jl54A Julia package for describing array layouts and more general fast linear algebra
Preconditioners.jl50A few preconditioners for iterative solvers.
NonNegLeastSquares.jl46Some nonnegative least squares solvers in Julia
GenericSVD.jl41Singular Value Decomposition for generic number types
TSVD.jl40Truncated singular value decomposition with partial reorthogonalization
SpecialMatrices.jl39Julia package for working with special matrix types.
InfiniteLinearAlgebra.jl34A Julia repository for linear algebra with infinite matrices
BLIS.jl26This repo plans to provide a low-level Julia wrapper for BLIS typed interface.
HierarchicalMatrices.jl26Julia package for hierarchical matrices
WoodburyMatrices.jl23Support for the Woodbury matrix identity for Julia
RandomizedLinAlg.jl19Randomized algorithms for numerical linear algebra in Julia
MatrixFactorizations.jl18A Julia package to contain non-standard matrix factorizations
SkewLinearAlgebra.jl17Julia Package for skew-symmetric matrices
BLISBLAS.jl14BLIS-pendant of MKL.jl
SemiseparableMatrices.jl9A Julia package to represent semiseparable and almost banded matrices
IncrementalSVD.jl8Incrementally compute an approximate truncated singular value decomposition
SparseLinearAlgebra.jl8A repository for sparse linear algebra in Julia
RectangularFullPacked.jl6A Julia package for the Rectangular Full Packed matrix format
LazyBandedMatrices.jl5A Julia package for lazy banded matrices
BLASBenchmarksCPU.jl5Benchmark BLAS Libraries
BLASBenchmarksGPU.jl3Benchmark BLAS libraries on GPUs
LowRankMatrices.jl2Lightweight package that provides the low-rank matrix types that are used in LowRankApprox.jl
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