Provides a julia interface to access the Intervention Model for Air Pollution (InMAP) Source Receptor Matrix (SRM). Uses AWS.jl and Zarr.jl to access the compressed version of the matrix from s3://inmap-model/isrm_v1.2.1.zarr/
. Source-receptor matrices allow users to approximate an air quality model simulation without having to run a full air quality model simulation.
For information about InMAP, see their website at
using Pkg
See documentation here
Here is an example - given a set of latitudes, longitudes and layers and their associated emissions:
using InMAPSourceReceptorMatrices, DataFrames
df = DataFrame(
latitude = [38.90938938381084],
longitude = [-77.03759400518372],
layer_idxs = [2],
PM2_5 = [1.0],
VOC = [1.0],
NOx = [1.0],
SO2 = [1.0],
NH3 = [1.0]
results = run_sr(df, ["MortalityRate"])