Jchemo was initially dedicated to partial least squares regression (PLSR) and discrimination (PLSDA) models and their extensions, in particular locally weighted PLS models (LWPLS-R & -DA; e.g. https://doi.org/10.1002/cem.3209). The package has then been expanded to many other models for dimension reduction and regression and discrimination (see the list of functions here).
Why the name Jchemo?: Since it is orientated to chemometrics , in brief the use of biometrics for chemistry). But most of the provided methods are generic to other application domains.
Jchemo is organized between
- transformers (that have a function
), - predictors (that have a function
), - utility functions.
Some models, such as PLSR models, are both a transformer and a predictor.
Ad'hoc pipelines of operations can also be built by the user. In Jchemo, a pipeline is a chain of K modeling steps containing
- either K transform steps,
- or K - 1 transform steps and a final prediction step.
The pipelines are built with function pip
, see here.
- A breaking change has been made between version 0.3.7 and version 0.4.0 for the embedded syntax, with the use of the new function
. For instance:mod = plskern(; nlv = 15)
is now writen asmod = model(plskern; nlv = 15)
. Other things have not changed.
- Major breaking changes were made between version 0.2.4 and version 0.3.0. Mainly, a new embedded syntax was proposed.
See What changed for details.
Two syntaxes are allowed for transformers and predictors:
- the embedded syntax, using function
, see here. - the direct syntax (the same as for versions <= 0.2.4),
The embedded syntax makes easier the building of ad'hoc pipelines (chains) of models, and is now favored. Only this embbeded syntax is given in the examples (help pages of the functions).
Most the Jchemo functions have keyword arguments (kwargs
). The keyword arguments required/allowed in a function can be found in the Index of function section of the documentation:
or by displaying the function's help page in the REPL, for instance for function plskern
julia> ?plskern
The kwargs
arguments and their default values are defined in containers depending of the functions, available
here. For a given function, they can be displayed in the REPL with function default
, e.g.:
julia> default(plskern)
nlv: Int64 1
scal: Bool false
The datasets used in the examples (help pages) are stored in the package JchemoData.jl, a repository of datasets on chemometrics and other domains.
Examples of scripts demonstrating the Jchemo syntax are also available in the project JchemoDemo.
Generic grid-search functions are available to tune the predictors:
Highly accelerated versions of these tuning tools have been implemented for models based on latent variables (LVs) and ridge regularization.
Some Jchemo functions (in particular those using kNN selections) use multi-threading to speed the computations. Taking advantage of this requires to specify a relevant number of threads (e.g. from the Settings menu of the VsCode Julia extension and the file settings.json).
Jchemo uses Makie for plotting. Displaying the plots requires to preliminary install and load one of the Makie's backends (e.g. CairoMakie).
Before to update the package, it is recommended to have a look on What changed to avoid eventual problems when the new version contains breaking changes.
In order to install Jchemo, run in the Pkg REPL:
pkg> add Jchemo
or for a specific version:
pkg> add Jchemo@0.1.18
or for the current developing version (potentially not stable):
pkg> add https://github.com/mlesnoff/Jchemo.jl.git
using Jchemo, BenchmarkTools
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.10.0
Commit 3120989f39 (2023-12-25 18:01 UTC)
Build Info:
Official https://julialang.org/ release
Platform Info:
OS: Windows (x86_64-w64-mingw32)
CPU: 16 × Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10885H CPU @ 2.40GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7 (ORCJIT, skylake)
Threads: 23 on 16 virtual cores
n = 10^6 # nb. observations (samples)
p = 500 # nb. X-variables (features)
q = 10 # nb. Y-variables to predict
nlv = 25 # nb. PLS latent variables
X = rand(n, p)
Y = rand(n, q)
zX = Float32.(X)
zY = Float32.(Y)
## Float64
## (NB.: multi-threading is not used in plskern)
mod = model(plskern; nlv)
@benchmark fit!($mod, $X, $Y)
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 1 sample with 1 evaluation.
Single result which took 7.532 s (1.07% GC) to evaluate,
with a memory estimate of 4.09 GiB, over 2677 allocations.
# Float32
@benchmark fit!($mod, $zX, $zY)
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 2 samples with 1 evaluation.
Range (min … max): 3.956 s … 4.148 s ┊ GC (min … max): 0.82% … 3.95%
Time (median): 4.052 s ┊ GC (median): 2.42%
Time (mean ± σ): 4.052 s ± 135.259 ms ┊ GC (mean ± σ): 2.42% ± 2.21%
█ █
█▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁█ ▁
3.96 s Histogram: frequency by time 4.15 s <
Memory estimate: 2.05 GiB, allocs estimate: 2677.
n = 150 ; p = 200
q = 2 ; m = 50
Xtrain = rand(n, p)
Ytrain = rand(n, q)
Xtest = rand(m, p)
Ytest = rand(m, q)
Let us consider a signal preprocessing with the Savitsky-Golay filter, using function savgol
. The keyword arguments of savgol
are npoint
, deriv
and degree
. See for instance in the REPL:
julia> ?savgol
The embedded syntax to fit the model is as follows:
## Below, the order of the kwargs is not
## important but the argument names have
## to be correct.
## Keywords arguments are specified
## after character ";"
## Model definition
## (below, the name 'mod' can be replaced by any other name)
npoint = 11 ; deriv = 2 ; degree = 3
mod = model(savgol; npoint, deriv, degree)
## Fitting
fit!(mod, Xtrain)
which is the strictly equivalent to:
## Below, ";" is not required
## since the kwargs values are
## specified within the function
mod = model(savgol; npoint = 11, deriv = 2, degree = 3)
fit!(mod, Xtrain)
Contents of objects mod
and fm
can be displayed by:
Once the model is fitted, the transformed (i.e. here preprocessed) data are given by:
Xptrain = transf(mod, Xtrain)
Xptest = transf(mod, Xtest)
Several preprocessing can be applied sequentially to the data by building a pipeline (see section Fitting a pipeline thereafter for examples).
Let us consider a principal component analysis (PCA), using function pcasvd
The embedded syntax to fit the model is as follows:
nlv = 15 # nb. principal components
mod = model(pcasvd; nlv)
fit!(mod, Xtrain, ytrain)
For a preliminary scaling of the data before the PCA decomposition, the syntax is:
nlv = 15 ; scal = true
mod = model(pcasvd; nlv, scal)
fit!(mod, Xtrain, ytrain)
The PCA score matrices (i.e. the projections of the observations on the PCA directions) can be computed by:
Ttrain = transf(mod, Xtrain)
Ttest = transf(mod, Xtest)
Object Ttrain
above can also be obtained directly by:
Ttrain = mod.fm.T
Some model summary (% of explained variance, etc.) can be displayed by:
summary(mod, Xtrain)
Let us consider a Gaussian kernel partial least squares regression (KPLSR), using function kplsr
The embedded syntax to fit the model is as follows:
nlv = 15 # nb. latent variables
kern = :krbf ; gamma = .001
mod = model(kplsr; nlv, kern, gamma)
fit!(mod, Xtrain, ytrain)
As for PCA, the score matrices can be computed by:
Ttrain = transf(mod, Xtrain) # = mod.fm.T
Ttest = transf(mod, Xtest)
and model summary by:
summary(mod, Xtrain)
Y-Predictions are given by:
pred = predict(mod, Xtest).pred
Examples of tuning of predictive models (test-set validation and cross-validation) are given in the help pages of functions gridscore
and gridcv
Let us consider a data preprocessing by standard-normal-variation transformation (SNV) followed by a Savitsky-Golay filter and a polynomial de-trending transformation.
The pipeline is fitted as follows:
## Models' definition
mod1 = model(snv)
mod2 = model(savgol; npoint = 5, deriv = 1, degree = 2)
mod3 = model(dtpol)
## Pipeline building
mod = pip(mod1, mod2, mod3)
## Fitting
fit!(mod, Xtrain)
The transformed data are given by:
Xptrain = transf(mod, Xtrain)
Xptest = transf(mod, Xtest)
Let us consider a support vector machine regression model implemented on preliminary computed PCA scores (PCA-SVMR).
The pipeline is fitted as follows:
nlv = 15
kern = :krbf ; gamma = .001 ; cost = 1000
mod1 = model(pcasvd; nlv)
mod2 = model(svmr; kern, gamma, cost)
mod = pip(mod1, mod2)
fit!(mod, Xtrain)
The Y-predictions are given by:
pred = predict(mod, Xtest).pred
Any step(s) of data preprocessing can obviously be implemented before the modeling, either outside of the given predictive pipeline or being involded directlty in the pipeline, such as for instance:
degree = 2 # de-trending with polynom degree 2
nlv = 15
kern = :krbf ; gamma = .001 ; cost = 1000
mod1 = model(dtpol; degree)
mod2 = model(pcasvd; nlv)
mod3 = model(svmr; kern, gamma, cost)
mod = pip(mod1, mod2, mod3)
The LWR algorithm of Naes et al (1990) consists in implementing a preliminary global PCA on the data and then a kNN locally weighted multiple linear regression (kNN-LWMLR) on the global PCA scores.
The pipeline is defined by:
nlv = 25
metric = :eucl ; h = 2 ; k = 200
mod1 = model(pcasvd; nlv)
mod2 = model(lwmlr; metric, h, k)
mod = pip(mod1, mod2)
Naes et al., 1990. Analytical Chemistry 664–673.
The pipeline of Shen et al. (2019) consists in implementing a preliminary global PLSR on the data and then a kNN-PLSR on the global PLSR scores.
The pipeline is defined by:
nlv = 25
metric = :mah ; h = Inf ; k = 200
mod1 = model(plskern; nlv)
mod2 = model(lwplsr; metric, h, k)
mod = pip(mod1, mod2)
Shen et al., 2019. Journal of Chemometrics, 33(5) e3117.
Matthieu Lesnoff
contact: matthieu.lesnoff@cirad.fr
Cirad, UMR Selmet, Montpellier, France
ChemHouse, Montpellier
Lesnoff, M. 2021. Jchemo: Chemometrics and machine learning on high-dimensional data with Julia. https://github.com/mlesnoff/Jchemo. UMR SELMET, Univ Montpellier, CIRAD, INRA, Institut Agro, Montpellier, France
- G. Cornu (Cirad) https://ur-forets-societes.cirad.fr/en/l-unite/l-equipe
- M. Metz (Pellenc ST, Pertuis, France)
- L. Plagne, F. Févotte (Triscale.innov) https://www.triscale-innov.com
- R. Vezy (Cirad) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxArXLI-gxlTmWGGgec5D7w