
Lens.jl is a simple Julia library to inspect the runtime behaviour of your programs, with minimal interference to the program itself.
23 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
January 2015

A Lens into the Soul of your Program

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Lens.jl is a simple Julia package which makes it easy to dynamically inspect and extract values deep within a program, with minimal interference to the program itself.

The philosophy of Lens is that observation should not imply interference. A running program is like a machine; there are many possible things we might like to know about its behaviour, but we want a clean interface that doesn't require us to mutate our machine in order to observe it.


Lens is in the official Julia Package repository. You can easily install it from a Julia REPL with:

] add Lens


Suppose we have a function which bubble sorts an array:

struct Loop end
struct LoopEnd end
function bubblesort(a::AbstractArray{T,1}) where T
  b = copy(a)
  isordered = false
  span = length(b)
  i = 0
  while !isordered && span > 1
    lens(Loop, (b = b, i = i)) # <--- lens here!!
    isordered = true
    for i in 2:span
      if b[i] < b[i-1]
        t = b[i]
        b[i] = b[i-1]
        b[i-1] = t
        isordered = false
    span -= 1
    i += 1
  lens(LoopEnd, (sorteddata = b, niters = i)) # <--- and here!!
  return b

The algorithm details do not matter; what is important is the lens. Lenses are created in the form:

lens(lenslabel, x, y, ...)

The first argument is a label which gives a name to the lens. We'll need to remember the name for later when we attach functions to the lens. The remaining arguments x, y,... are any values you want the lens to capture. It is recommended to use keyword NamedTuples

Lenses capture values we specify, then propagate that data onto listeners. Lenses themselves do not contain any information about the listeners, the listeners are attached onto Lens in the context of a particular execution. This is achieved with Lens Evaluation @leval

lmap = (start_of_loop = ((b, i)) -> , end_of_loop = println)
@leval bubblesort lmap

The second argument of @leval is a lens map (often abbreivated to lmap). In this simplest form, it is a NamedTuple where mapping lens names to funtions.

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