LoopManagers is the companion package of MangedLoops. It provides managers to execute loops with SIMD, on multiple threads or on GPUs. There is also a meta-manager that selects among a provided set of managers the one with the shortest execution time, on a per-function basis.
# Would belong to a 'provider' module, depending only on ManagedLoops
using ManagedLoops: @loops, @vec
@loops function loop!(_, a, b)
let (irange, jrange) = axes(a)
@vec for i in irange, j in jrange
@inbounds a[i, j] = @fastmath exp(b[i, j])
# Belongs to a 'consumer' module/program, that requires LoopManagers to run
using LoopManagers: PlainCPU, VectorizedCPU, MultiThread
using SIMDMathFunctions # for vectorized exp
using BenchmarkTools
using InteractiveUtils
versioninfo() # check JULIA_EXCLUSIVE and JULIA_NUM_THREADS
scalar = PlainCPU()
simd = VectorizedCPU(8)
threads = MultiThread(simd)
b = randn(1024, 1024);
a = similar(b);
for mgr in (scalar, simd, threads)
@info mgr
display(@benchmark loop!($mgr, $a, $b))