
Core functions to obtain closed-form least squares estimates for matrix linear models.
Author senresearch
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Started In
April 2019


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Core functions to obtain closed-form least squares estimates for matrix linear models. Variance shrinkage is adapted from Ledoit & Wolf (2003)1.

An extension of MatrixLM for applications in high-throughput genetic screens is the GeneticScreens package. See the associated paper, "Matrix linear models for high-throughput chemical genetic screens", and its reproducible code for more details.

MatrixLMnet is a related package that implements algorithms for L1-penalized estimates for matrix linear models. See the associated paper, "Sparse matrix linear models for structured high-throughput data", and its reproducible code for more details.


The MatrixLM package can be installed by running:

using Pkg

For the most recent version, use:

using Pkg
Pkg.add(url = "", rev="master")


using MatrixLM

First, construct a RawData object consisting of the response variable Y and row/column predictors X and Z. All three matrices must be passed in as 2-dimensional arrays. Note that the contr function can be used to set up treatment and/or sum contrasts for categorical variables stored in a DataFrame. By default, contr generates treatment contrasts for all specified categorical variables ("treat"). Other options include "sum" for sum contrasts, "noint" for treatment contrasts with no intercept, and "sumnoint" for sum contrasts with no intercept.

using DataFrames
using Random

# Dimensions of matrices 
n = 100
m = 250
# Number of column covariates
q = 20

# Randomly generate an X matrix of row covariates with 2 categorical variables
# and 4 continuous variables
X_df = hcat(DataFrame(catvar1=rand(1:5, n), catvar2=rand(["A", "B", "C"], n)), 
# Use the contr function to get contrasts for the two categorical variables 
# (treatment contrasts for catvar1 and sum contrasts for catvar2).
# contr returns a DataFrame, so X needs to be converted into a 2d array.
X = convert(Array{Float64,2}, contr(X_df, [:catvar1, :catvar2], 
                                    ["treat", "sum"]))
# Number of row covariates
p = size(X)[2]

# Randomly generate some data for column covariates Z and response variable Y
Z = rand(m,q)
B = rand(-5:5,p,q)
E = randn(n,m)
Y = X*B*transpose(Z)+E

# Construct a RawData object
dat = RawData(Response(Y), Predictors(X, Z))

Least-squares estimates for matrix linear models can be obtained by running mlm. An object of type Mlm will be returned, with variables for the coefficient estimates (B), the coefficient variance estimates (varB), and the estimated variance of the errors (sigma). By default, mlm estimates both row and column main effects (X and Z intercepts), but this behavior can be suppressed by setting hasXIntercept=false and/or hasZIntercept=false. Column weights for Y and the target type for variance shrinkage1 can be optionally supplied to weights and targetType, respectively.

est = mlm(dat)

The coefficient estimates can be accessed using coef(est). Predicted values and residuals can be obtained by calling predict and resid. By default, both of these functions use the same data used to fit the model. However, a new Predictors object can be passed into predict as the newPredictors argument and a new RawData object can be passed into resid as the newData argument. For convenience, fitted(est) will return the fitted values by calling predict with the default arguments.

preds = predict(est)
resids = resid(est)

The t-statistics for an Mlm object (defined as est.B ./ sqrt.(est.varB)) can be obtained by running t_stat. By default, t_stat does not return the corresponding t-statistics for any main effects that were estimated by mlm, but they will be returned if isMainEff=true.

tStats = t_stat(est)

Permutation p-values for the t-statistics can be computed by the mlm_perms function. mlm_perms calls the more general function perm_pvals and will run the permutations in parallel when possible. The illustrative example below only runs 5 permutations, but a different number can be specified as the second argument. By default, the function used to permute Y is shuffle_rows, which shuffles the rows for Y. Alternative functions for permuting Y, such as shuffle_cols, can be passed into the argument permFun. mlm_perms calls mlm and t_stat , so the user is free to specify keyword arguments for mlm or t_stat; by default, mlm_perms will call both functions using their default behavior.

nPerms = 5
tStats, pVals = mlm_perms(dat, nPerms)

Additional details can be found in the documentation for specific functions.

1. Ledoit, O., & Wolf, M. (2003). Improved estimation of the covariance matrix of stock returns with an application to portfolio selection. Journal of empirical finance, 10(5), 603-621.