
Download data sets from MOR Wiki.
Author mpimd-csc
1 Star
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
April 2024

MOR Wiki

Download data sets from MOR Wiki.

Available Data Sets

The following list associates the subtypes of MORWiki.Benchmark to their MOR Wiki entries. If a certain benchmark has not been added, yet, please open an issue.


import Pkg

Getting Started

A picture code snippet is worth a thousand words:

using MORWiki: assemble, SteelProfile
using UnPack

@unpack E, A, B, C = assemble(SteelProfile(1357))

Should you get a benchmark's variant wrong, the error message should guide you along:

julia> SteelProfile(1000)
ERROR: ArgumentError: Unsupported dimension 1000. Did you mean 1357?

For more granular control, the data sets are available via DataDeps.jl using their MOR Wiki benchmark IDs:

using MORWiki, DataDeps



  • What triggers a download?

    A data set is downloaded when it is references via its datadep"" identifier. This happens only when calling assemble(...); creating SteelProfile(1357) or any other MORWiki.Benchmark does not download any data.

  • Where are the data sets stored?

    This is handled purely by DataDeps.jl. As of version 0.7.13, data is by default stored at ~/.julia/scratchspaces/124859b0-ceae-595e-8997-d05f6a7a8dfe/datadeps/. Please refer to DataDeps.jl's end-user documentation for further information.

  • How are the data sets being stored?

    Currently, only SteelProfile is stored as plain MatrixMarket .mtx files. All other data sets are stored as a single .zip archive containing several .mtx files.


The following releases have been data-breaking: none

Should you upgrade MORWiki.jl to (or skipping) one of the versions listed above, consult the CHANGELOG to see which data sets must be deleted and re-downloaded. Be assured that such changes will always be marked as a breaking release according to the Pkg.jl documentation. Of course, not every API-breaking release is also data-breaking.


I would like to thank the code reviewers:


The MORWiki package is licensed under MIT, see LICENSE. The data sets available from MOR Wiki have their own licenses.

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