
Package providing K-nearest neighbor regressors and classifiers, for use with the MLJ machine learning framework.
Author JuliaAI
27 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
June 2020


[Linux] Coverage Documentation
Build Status Coverage Stable

Package providing K-nearest neighbor regressors and classifiers, for use with the MLJ machine learning framework.

Builds on Kristoffer Carlsson's NearestNeighbors package, for performing efficient nearest neighbor searches.

Builds on contributions of Thibaut Lienart originally residing in MLJModels.jl.

Provides the following models: KNNRegressor, KNNClassifier, MultitargetKNNRegressor and MultitargetKNNClassifier.

Provides a library of kernels for weighting nearest neighbors, including all kernels surveyed in the paper Geler (2016): Comparison of different weighting schemes for the kNN classifier on time-series data

Do list_kernels() for a complete list.

For instructions on defining a custom kernel, do ?UserDefinedKernel.