A small package to solve for the consumption aggregator for non-homothetic CES preferences as described in
Comin, D., Lashkari, D., & Mestieri, Martí (2021). Structural change with long-run income and price effects. Econometrica, 89(1), 311–374.
using NonhomotheticCES, StaticArrays
U = NonhomotheticCESUtility(σ, # σ
Ω̂s, # LOG sectoral Ωs
ϵs) # sectoral ϵs
Ĉ = log_consumption_aggregator(U,
Ê, # LOG expenditure
p̂s) # LOG prices
ĉs = log_sectoral_consumptions(U, Ê, p̂s, Ĉ)
Partial derivatives are implemented for AD frameworks:
σ = 0.5, Ω̂₁ = 0.0, Ω̂₂ = 0.0, ϵ₁ = 1.0, ϵ₂ = 2.0, p̂₁ = 0.1, p̂₂ = 0.0 (see script/plot.jl).