
Package version tracking
Author philbit
2 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
September 2021

Build status codecov


In Julia, environments/projects are an efficient way to preserve the exact environment in which code was run, i.e. the versions of all packages. For computational/numerical code, this can ensure reproducibility. However, relying heavily on environments comes at a cost: If your workflow involves frequent switching between different projects, the version of loaded packages depends on when exactly the corresponding using directive was issued. This can lead to hard-to-debug situations of "wrong" versions being loaded, for example when environment switching is done programmatically and packages are implicitly loaded as dependencies. Wouldn't it be nice to have a tool to check which environment was active when a package was loaded and which exact version of the code the loaded version actually corresponds to? This is the purpose of PackageStates.jl. In short, it allows you to record and compare the versions of loaded packages and their desired versions in different environments.


Beyond this README, the documentation/docstrings are currently largely missing. This is the next important to-do item, but the current functionality also does not exceed the examples below by a lot.

Usage tips

Consider adding PackageStates.jl to your default @v1.X environment, so it is always available even if you Pkg.activate a different environment. Adding it to your startup.jl can ensure it is always loaded before any other packages are loaded and can record away.

Usage example

We will use two empty directories (called /tmp/path/to/env_old and /tmp/path/to/env_new in the following) as test environments. We set them up as follows in a fresh Julia session:

julia> using Pkg

# Switch to "env_new", explicitly add the current versions of
# one of JLD2's dependencies and JLD2 itself

julia> Pkg.activate("/tmp/path/to/env_new")
  Activating new environment at `/tmp/path/to/env_new/Project.toml`

julia> Pkg.add("Requires")
  # downloading/installing, output skipped
julia> Pkg.add("JLD2")
  # downloading/installing, output skipped

# Switch to "env_old", explicitly add an older version of
# Requires and of JLD2

julia> Pkg.activate("/tmp/path/to/env_old")
  Activating new environment at `/tmp/path/to/env_old/Project.toml`

julia> Pkg.add(name = "Requires", version = "1.1.2")
       # downloading/installing, output skipped
julia> Pkg.add(name = "JLD2", version = "0.4.13")
       # downloading/installing, output skipped

Now we have two environments with their corresponding Project.toml and Manifest.toml which contain two different versions of the JLD2 package and one of its dependencies.

If you don't have PackageStates.jl itself available on your LOAD_PATH (for example, in the default @v1.X environment as suggested under Usage Tips above), also add it to the env_old environment using

julia> Pkg.add("PackageStates")

Similar to Revise.jl, PackageStates.jl can only record states of packages that were loaded after PackageStates itself was loaded. So, let's stay in env_old and load first PackageStates and then JLD2

julia> using PackageStates

julia> using JLD2

Let's check which modules have been recorded so far:

julia> recorded_modules()
Set{Module} with 9 elements:

This includes PackageStates itself, JLD2 and JLD2s dependencies, excluding anything that was loaded before or by PackageStates. Specifically, stdlibs are always loaded at startup and PackageStates itself has a few dependencies outside stdlibs. If the list on your system contains fewer packages, additional packages with overlapping dependencies were loaded before using PackageStates (for example, Revise.jl or similar in your startup.jl).

The central function to inquire about the state of a package is state, which returns a PackageState that is displayed in the REPL as follows:

julia> state(JLD2)

PackageState of JLD2 [033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819]
│      Timestamp │ 2023-02-07 09:41                                                                     │
│      Load path │ ["/tmp/path/to/env_old/Project.toml",                                                │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml",                               │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/juliaup/ │
│                │ .8"]                                                                                 │
│     Package ID │ JLD2 [033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819]                                          │
│    Source path │ /Users/philip/.julia/packages/JLD2/VHRWL                                             │
│ Head tree hash │ missing                                                                              │
│ Directory t.h. │ 59ee430ac5dc87bc3eec833cc2a37853425750b4                                             │
│  Manifest t.h. │ 59ee430ac5dc87bc3eec833cc2a37853425750b4                                             │
│        Project │ /tmp/path/to/env_old/Project.toml                                                    │

By default, state returns the current state, not a state recorded in the past, so the time stamp will be the current time. The PackageState returned by it includes a number of things:

  • Timestamp: The time at which the state was recorded
  • Load path: The load path at the time of recording, the first path is the active project at the time of recording
  • Package ID: The Base.PkgID
  • Source path: The source path of the loaded version at the time of recording
  • Head tree hash: If the source path is a repository (e.g., for developed packages), this is the tree hash of the currently-checked out HEAD commit at the time of recording. Changes to the working copy or the index do not alter this tree hash. "missing" if source path is not a repository (e.g., for regular added packages).
  • Directory tree hash: The tree hash of the source path at the time of recording. Any modifications and additional files in the source directory (for example, Manifest.tomls, output files, etc.) change this tree hash. For a clean working copy checkout out from a repo, it should correspond to the head tree hash. Note that many systems write hidden files (e.g., .DS_Store on MacOS) which you might have ignored in your .gitignore but which still change this tree hash.
  • Manifest tree hash: The tree hash for the package noted in Manifest.toml at the time of recording. This can be "missing", e.g., in the package's own environment, which doesn't contain a tree hash, or when the package is dev'ed.
  • Project: The project in which the above package was found at the time of recording. Always one of the entries of load path. The Manifest tree hash above is from this project.

The Project and Manifest tree hash therefore refer to the version that would have been loaded if the using directive had been issued at the time "Timestamp". In our example above, we are still in the environment where we issued the using JLD2 directive, so the directory and manifest tree hashes are identical.

⚠️ Note that Julia versions up to to 1.8 compute a different tree hash on Windows. Later versions have fixed this at least for git repos, but for on-disk directories, the tree hash still differs, replacing the original inconsistency between operating systems by one between directories and repos. To circumvent the latter inconsistency and make use of the fix for repos, PackageStates currently creates temporary git repos of working directories on Windows, which makes computing the directory tree hash a potentially heavy operation.

Let's switch to the env_new environment and see what changes:

julia> Pkg.activate("/tmp/path/to/env_new")
  Activating environment at `/tmp/path/to/env_new/Project.toml`

julia> state(JLD2)

PackageState of JLD2 [033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819]
│      Timestamp │ 2023-02-07 09:42                                                                     │
│      Load path │ ["/tmp/path/to/env_new/Project.toml",                                                │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml",                               │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/juliaup/ │
│                │ .8"]                                                                                 │
│     Package ID │ JLD2 [033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819]                                          │
│    Source path │ /Users/philip/.julia/packages/JLD2/VHRWL                                             │
│ Head tree hash │ missing                                                                              │
│ Directory t.h. │ 59ee430ac5dc87bc3eec833cc2a37853425750b4                                             │
│  Manifest t.h. │ c3244ef42b7d4508c638339df1bdbf4353e144db                                             │
│        Project │ /tmp/path/to/env_new/Project.toml                                                    │

The Manifest tree hash changed since this environment (indicated by "Project") now requests a different version of JLD2. The first tree hash is still the same as it corresponds to the loaded source (whose path did not change, either). However, the tree hash can in principle change as well if the any of the source files change (for example, for a package in its own environment or for a dev'ed package). Since state always returns the current state by default, the project and load path now reflect the current environment. We can access the state recorded on load by requesting it explicitly:

julia> state(JLD2, :on_load)

PackageState of JLD2 [033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819]
│      Timestamp │ 2023-02-07 09:33                                                                     │
│      Load path │ ["/tmp/path/to/env_old/Project.toml",                                                │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml",                               │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/juliaup/ │
│                │ .8"]                                                                                 │
│     Package ID │ JLD2 [033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819]                                          │
│    Source path │ /Users/philip/.julia/packages/JLD2/VHRWL                                             │
│ Head tree hash │ missing                                                                              │
│ Directory t.h. │ 59ee430ac5dc87bc3eec833cc2a37853425750b4                                             │
│  Manifest t.h. │ 59ee430ac5dc87bc3eec833cc2a37853425750b4                                             │
│        Project │ /tmp/path/to/env_old/Project.toml                                                    │

This way, we can find out in retrospect in what environment which version of a package was loaded. Other possibilities are :current (the default) and :newest which corresponds to the newest recorded state, or an integer index refering to the states in the order they were recorded. Currently, the only automatic recording happens at load time of a package, so unless recording is triggered manually (see State diffing below), the two will be identical.

The great power of this simple "record keeping" is that it also works for implicitly loaded packages (as dependencies of other packages). You may be familiar with the warning message after Pkg.adding and precompiling a package, if a different version of the same package is already loaded. However, no such warning is issued when simply using a package in an environment that requests a different version of the one already loaded. For example, if we now use Requires.jl in the current environment, we can see that the loaded version is different from the one requested in the project:

julia> using Requires

julia> state(Requires)

PackageState of Requires [ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df]
│      Timestamp │ 2023-02-07 09:43                                                                     │
│      Load path │ ["/tmp/path/to/env_new/Project.toml",                                                │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml",                               │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/juliaup/ │
│                │ .8"]                                                                                 │
│     Package ID │ Requires [ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df]                                      │
│    Source path │ /Users/philip/.julia/packages/Requires/035xH                                         │
│ Head tree hash │ missing                                                                              │
│ Directory t.h. │ cfbac6c1ed70c002ec6361e7fd334f02820d6419                                             │
│  Manifest t.h. │ 838a3a4188e2ded87a4f9f184b4b0d78a1e91cb7                                             │
│        Project │ /tmp/path/to/env_new/Project.toml                                                    │

Why? It could be because the source was modified, but let's find out:

julia> state(Requires, :on_load)

PackageState of Requires [ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df]
│      Timestamp │ 2023-02-07 09:33                                                                     │
│      Load path │ ["/tmp/path/to/env_old/Project.toml",                                                │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/environments/v1.8/Project.toml",                               │
│                │ "/Users/philip/.julia/juliaup/ │
│                │ .8"]                                                                                 │
│     Package ID │ Requires [ae029012-a4dd-5104-9daa-d747884805df]                                      │
│    Source path │ /Users/philip/.julia/packages/Requires/035xH                                         │
│ Head tree hash │ missing                                                                              │
│ Directory t.h. │ cfbac6c1ed70c002ec6361e7fd334f02820d6419                                             │
│  Manifest t.h. │ cfbac6c1ed70c002ec6361e7fd334f02820d6419                                             │
│        Project │ /tmp/path/to/env_old/Project.toml                                                    │

We see that the source was not modified, but that this version was loaded in the env_old environment (as a dependency of JLD2), where it corresponded exactly to the requested version.

State diffing

Besides recorded_modules and state, there are convenience functions to compare states:


Similar to git diff, diff_states by default compares the :newest recorded state to the :current state. It returns a Boolean indicating whether the states differ and prints a pretty table with changes marked in red if they do. Printing can be disabled by passing print = false. The versions to compare can be specified as a pair:

julia> diff_states(JLD2, :on_load => :newest)

As mentioned above, the only automatic recording happens at load time of a package, so :on_load and :newest are still identical at this point. However, we can trigger recording of a state manually by passing update = true, provided we are comparing to the newest recorded to the current version (as is the default):


Note that calling diff_states a second time returns false (no matter whether update is passed or not) as the newest recorded state is now identical to the current one. Comparing to the :on_load version instead can be done via diff_states(JLD2, :on_load => :current).

For convenience diff_states_all can be used to call diff_states for all modules with the same argument and returns a list of all Modules for which the states differ.

Possible future extensions

More triggers for automatic state recording, interaction with Revise if it is loaded (since the in-memory version of a package can change), ...

Used By Packages

No packages found.