General tuning tools for julia. Dive into the parameter space of functions or external programs.
]add ParameterSpace
using ParameterSpace
Examples could be found in folder examples
Tuning a function
Let's take a simple function for example:
@inline g(x::Real, y::Real) = x * y
First construct the parameter space:
params = [Parameter("x", 1, 0:2),
Parameter("y", 2, 0:2)]
which means there would be ParameterSpace
would help you run tests over all of them by calling the target function iterately:
tuning = analyse_function(g, params)
The returns are stored by DataFrames
to give you enough freedom in data processing
julia> tuning = analyse_function(g, params)
9×3 DataFrame
Row │ x y result
│ Any Any Any
1 │ 0 0 0
2 │ 1 0 0
3 │ 2 0 0
4 │ 0 1 0
5 │ 1 1 1
6 │ 2 1 2
7 │ 0 2 0
8 │ 1 2 2
9 │ 2 2 4
If only tuning the second parameter y
of function g
, the other parameters should be set in order:
params = [Parameter("y", 2, 0:0.1:0.5)]
julia> result = analyse_function(g, params, 1.0)
6×2 DataFrame
Row │ y result
│ Any Any
1 │ 0.0 0.0
2 │ 0.1 0.1
3 │ 0.2 0.2
4 │ 0.3 0.3
5 │ 0.4 0.4
6 │ 0.5 0.5
Tuning a program
It is assumed that all of the parameters are passed through parameter file. First you need to tell ParameterSpace
how to run your program, by define a Cmd
command = `julia E:/ParameterSpace.jl/examples/simple_program/print.jl`
It may cause issues if you do not run the program from an absolute path.
Then write down the content of parameter file in formatted string:
content = "x = %d, y = %d"
Construct parameter space and use the tuning tool:
params = [Parameter("x", 1, 0:2),
Parameter("y", 2, 0:2)]
analyse_program(command, content, "param.txt", params)
where "param.txt"
defines the name of parameter file.
Each set of parameters would be handled in a seperate sub-folder
There is no general way to pass data from a program to Julia, however it's easy and convenient to analyse the output files automatically if you could provide an anlysis function. The procedure has no difference from tuning a function, and the parameters of analysis function could be set with keyword args::Union{Tuple,Array}
function analyse(args...)
return ...
analyse_program(command, content, "param.txt", params, analyse, args = [])
more details in examples/simple_program/