
Author Team-RADDISH
15 Stars
Updated Last
2 Months Ago
Started In
January 2020


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage DOI DOI:10.5194/gmd-2023-38

ParticleDA.jl is a Julia package to perform data assimilation with particle filters, supporting both thread-based parallelism and distributed processing using MPI.

This project is developed in collaboration with the Centre for Advanced Research Computing, University College London.


To install the latest stable version of the package, open the Julia REPL, enter the package manager with ], then run the command

add ParticleDA

If you plan to develop the package (make changes, submit pull requests, etc), in the package manager mode run this command

dev ParticleDA

This will automatically clone the repository to your local directory ~/.julia/dev/ParticleDA.

You can exit from the package manager mode by pressing CTRL + C or, alternatively, the backspace key when there is no input in the prompt.


Documentation Website


The ParticleDA.jl package is licensed under the MIT "Expat" License.

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