Quick start
This package provides a simple set of functions to deal with a pedigree structure, inbreeding coefficients, and relationship matrices in quantitative genetics.
# pedigree list using integer code
# define a pedigree list
pedlist = [0 0 1 1 3 1 5; 0 0 0 2 4 4 6]
# or read a file to load the pedigree list
pedlist = read_ped("pedigree.txt",integer=true)
# reordering pedigree so that parents precede their progeny
perm,invp = find_ped_order(pedlist)
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# characters in a pedigree file
pedlist,idtable = read_ped("pedigree.characters.txt")
# reordering
perm,invp = find_ped_order(pedlist)
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# inbreeding
f = get_inb(pedlist)
# A-matrix
A = get_nrm(pedlist)
# A-inverse
Ainv = get_nrminv(pedlist, f)