
A Pluto.jl utilities library for notebooks intended as articles
Author ctrekker
12 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
August 2023


A Pluto.jl styling and utilities library for notebooks intended to be articles.

For text-heavy notebooks like articles, this package helps shift the "feel" from that of a notebook environment to an article.

See live example

Left: Normal Pluto; Right: Article Mode Pluto


How can I use this?

It's super easy! Just add the following to your existing Pluto.jl notebook:

using PlutoArticles
article()  # make sure this is in its own cell!

You won't see anything happen - the updated styles will only apply once the notebook is exported. If you want to try them out in your editor, specify the preview keyword argument.

article(; preview = true)

List of Changes

Most of the changes are subtle. Here's a list of the most notable ones:

  • More ergonomic font choice for reading
  • Increased font size for devices with large screens
  • Widened notebook column for larger screens
  • Slightly adjusted header spacing

Additional Features


If you want to include a word count somewhere in your article, use the WordCount component!

Basic usage:



<span>Word count: $(WordCount())</span>

Binding to word count (be careful with this):

@bind my_word_count WordCount()

Used By Packages

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