
Implement inpoly2
Author KlausC
10 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
April 2020


Build Status Codecov

INPOLY: Fast points-in-polygon query in Julia

Implementation and improvement of function INPOLY2 in Julia. Some new features have been added.

The implementation claims to be fast for multiple points to check at once. The cost is O((N+M)*(log(M)+1)) where M is the number of points to check and N the number of edges.

Link to original Matlab sources: inpoly2.m The original algorithm was developed by Darren Engwirda in 2017. The Euclidian distance definition of "on-boundary" and the support for multiple areas has been added.


    stat = inpoly2(points, nodes, edges[, atol=, rtol=])

determines for each point of points two status bits: inside and onboundary. These bits are stored in the output matrix stat[:,1:2] with the same row indices as points.

A point is considered "inside", if the ray starting from x heading east intersects an odd number of edges.

A point is considered "on-boundary", if its Euclidian distance to any of the edges of the polygon is less than tol = max(atol, rtol*sizefactor). sizefactor is the maximum extension of the smallest box containing all edges.

The cost factor depends severely on tol, if that is greater than the average length of the edges.

points and nodes are matrices consisting of x, y in first and second column or vectors of point-objects p with p[1] and p[2] the x and y coordinates. edges is a matrix of indices into nodes, which define the egdges of a polygon or collection of polygons.

The polygons may be unconnected and self-intersecting.

Each edge may be associated with one or more area indices, which are stored in adjacent columns of edges[:,3:end]. If there is more than one additional area colum, the output array becomes 3-dimensional with elements stats[:,1:2,area]. Here area are the area indices as stored in the additional columns of edges.

The definitions of "inside" and "on-boundary" related to an area consider only edges, which have this area associated in one of the added columns of edges. Area index 0 indicates unused. It is possible to assign each edge to zero, one, or more areas in this way.

The polydemo functions produce plots of some selected examples and may be used to enjoy.


Pkg>add PolygonInbounds

using Plots
using PolygonInbounds
using .Demo

polydemo(1; tol=0.2); # r is the number of points on a grid
polydemo(2; r = 10^5, tol=0.01); # polygons of the "lakes" mesh data set 
polydemo(3; r = 10^5, tol=0.01); # polygons of the "coast" mesh data set 
polydemo(4; tol=0.1) # simple tetragon 
polydemo(5; tol=0.2) # two polygons with different areas 

points = [0.05 0.0; 1 1; -1 1]
nodes =  [0.0 0; 0 10; 10 10; 10 0]
edges = [1 2; 2 3; 3 4; 4 1]
tol = 1e-1

stat = inpoly2(points, nodes, edges, atol=tol)

Docu of the original Matlab implementation: inpoly2.

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