
A Julia client library for accessing Polygon's APIs
Author PyDataBlog
10 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
June 2021


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage Open in Visual Studio Code

PolygonIO.jl is a client accessing the WebSocket and RESTful APIs of Polygon.io in native Julia.


To install PolygonIO either do

using Pkg

or switch to Pkg mode with ] and issue

pkg> add PolygonIO


using PolygonIO
opts = PolyOpts(API_KEY, Table.jl Supported Tabular Interface As Sink or nothing)
data = API_FUNC(opts, [args...]; [kwargs...])


using PolygonIO
using DataFrames

opts = PolyOpts(API_KEY, DataFrame)
ticker_search_info = tickers(opts, "bitcoin")
julia> ticker_search_info = tickers(opts, "bitcoin")
10×10 DataFrame
 Row │ ticker       name                               market  locale  active  currency_symbol  currency_name         base_curre ⋯
     │ String       String                             String  String  Bool    String           String                String     ⋯
   1 │ X:BSVUSD     Bitcoin SV - United States Dollar  crypto  global    true  USD              United States Dollar  BSV        ⋯
   2 │ X:BTCJPY     Bitcoin - Japanese Yen             crypto  global    true  JPY              Japanese Yen          BTC
   3 │ X:BCHGBP     Bitcoin Cash - Great Britian Pou…  crypto  global    true  GBP              Great Britian Pound   BCH
   4 │ X:BTCGBP     Bitcoin Cash - Great Britain Pou…  crypto  global    true  GBP              Great Britain Pound   BTC
   5 │ X:BCHCZK     Bitcoin Cash - Czech Koruna        crypto  global    true  CZK              Czech Koruna          BCH        ⋯
   6 │ X:ETHBTC     Ethereum - Bitcoin                 crypto  global    true  BTC              Bitcoin               ETH
   7 │ X:BTCEUR     Bitcoin - Euro                     crypto  global    true  EUR              Euro                  BTC
   8 │ X:BCHABCUSD  Bitcoin Cash ABC - United States…  crypto  global    true  USD              United States Dollar  BCHABC
   9 │ X:ATMUSD     Bitcoin ATM - United States Doll…  crypto  global    true  USD              United States Dollar  ATM        ⋯
  10 │ X:BCHUSD     Bitcoin Cash - United States Dol…  crypto  global    true  USD              United States Dollar  BCH
                                                                                                                 3 columns omitted


  • Full coverage of Stock API
  • Full coverage of Forex API
  • Full coverage of Crypto API
  • Full coverage of Reference Data API
  • Full coverage of WebSocket API

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