
Julia Framework for Quantum Dynamics and Control
Author JuliaQuantumControl
49 Stars
Updated Last
3 Months Ago
Started In
August 2021


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A Julia Framework for Quantum Dynamics and Control.

The QuantumControl package is a high-level interface for the packages in the JuliaQuantumControl organization and provides a coherent API for solving quantum control problems. See the organization README for details.


The full documentation is available at https://juliaquantumcontrol.github.io/QuantumControl.jl/.

Support is also available in the #quantumcontrol channel in the Julia Slack.


The QuantumControl.jl package can be installed via the standard Pkg manager:

pkg> add QuantumControl

You will also want to install the QuantumPropagators package

pkg> add QuantumPropagator

to access a suitable dynamic solver for your problem (e.g. using QuantumPropagators: Cheby); as well as at least one package for a specific optimization method you are planning to use:

pkg> add Krotov
pkg> add GRAPE

See the list of packages of the JuliaQuantumControl organization.

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