The quantum state and its wigner function:
julia> using QuantumStateBase
julia> ρ = SqueezedState(0.8, π/8, Matrix, dim=100)
julia> w = wigner(ρ, LinRange(-3, 3, 101), LinRange(-3, 3, 101));
julia> using QuantumStatePlots, Plots
julia> surface(w)
julia> using QuantumStatePlots, Plots
julia> heatmap(w)
julia> using QuantumStatePlots, Plots
julia> contour(w)
Real part
julia> using QuantumStatePlots, Plots
julia> plot_real(ρ, 35)
Imag part
julia> using QuantumStatePlots, Plots
julia> plot_imag(ρ, 35)