
Specification and efficient samplers for several random matrix distributions, focusing on spiked models in real-valued data.
Author damian-t-p
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Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
May 2019


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A Julia package containing Distributions.jl-type specifications for various distributions arising from random matrix theory.

Currently implemented distributions

Matrix distributions

  • SpikedWigner(beta, n, spikes; scaled=false): Wigner distribution with an added spike matrix.

    spikes is an array [s1, ..., sr] such that the diagonal matrix with diagonal sqrt(n)(s1, ... , sr, 0, ..., 0) is added to a white Wigner matrix.

  • SpikedWishart(beta, n, p, spikes; scaled=false): Wishart distribution with spiked covariance [1].

    spikes is an array [s1, ..., sr] such that the Wishart covariance is diagonal with entries (1 + s1, ... , 1 + sr, 1, ..., 1).

  • Jacobi(beta, n1, n2, p): Random matrices of the form E(E+H)-1. Here E and H are (n1, p) and (n2, p) white Wisharts respectively. [2]

Specifying scaled=true in SpikedWigner and SpikedWishart scales the matrices by an appropriate function of n so that the corresponding bulks converge to the semicircle and Marchenko-Pastur laws respectively. Due to the inverse in the definition of the Jacobi ensemble, no scaling is necessary for Jacobi,

Normal entries in Gaussian ensembles are scaled to have variance 1.

Limiting eigenvalue distributions

The package implements the following types:

  • MarchenkoPastur(gamma): Limiting empirical spectral density of a real white Wishart matrix with p/n -> gamma as long as 0 < gamma < 1.
  • TracyWidom(beta): Limiting distribution of the maximum eigenvalue of many random matrix ensembles with Dyson parameter beta [3].
  • Wachter(gamma1, gamma2): Limiting empirical spectral density of S1 S2-1. Here S1 and S2 are sample covariance matrices with n1/p -> gamma1 and n2/p -> gamma2.

It also implements the following functions for computing eigenvalue distributions:

  • supercrit_dist(E): Approximate distribution of the supercritical eigenvalues of a matrix drawn from the ensemble E. Currently implemented for Wishart with beta = 1 [4], beta = 2 [5] and Wigner with beta = 1 [6], beta = 2 [7]

Efficient samplers

The function randeigvals efficiently samples from the distribution of eigenvalues of the implemented random matrix distributions. It does this by generating a tridiagonal or banded matrix with eigenvalue equal in distribution to the specified model.


See the documentation.


[1] Dumitriu & Edelman, "Matrix Models for beta ensembles," Journal of Mathematical Physics, 11 (2002).

[2] Killip & Nenciu, "Matrix Models for Circular Ensembles," International Mathematics Research Notices, 50 (2004).

[3] Bornemann, "On the numerical evaluation of distributions in random matrix theory: a review," (2010).

[4] Baik, Ben Arous & Peche, "Phase transition of the largest eigenvalue for nonnull complex sample covariance matrices," The Annals of Probability, 33 (2005).

[5] Paul, "Asymptotics of sample eigenstructure for a large dimensional spiked covariance model," Statistica Sinica, 17 (2007).

[6] Feral, Peche, "The largest eigenvalue of rank one deformation of large wigner matrices," Commun. Math. Phys., 272 (2007).

[7] Peche, "The largest eigenvalue of small rank perturbations of Hermitian random matrices," Probability Theory and Related Fields, 134 (2006).