
Author AidanCeney
3 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
December 2022

CI Testing


The RTFTable package provides a easy way to convert julia DataFrames into unique publication ready tables in the rtf format, with flexible formatting options.

Table Generation Workflow

Start by generating a DataTable struct by providing a DataFrame to the make_data_table() function.

using DataFrames
using RTFTable
df = DataFrame(Scale=["BAS-T","SR","BD1","ASRM","M-SRM"],
	       High = ["42.15 (3.48)","20.36 (1.66)","5.14 (4.42)","6.39 (4.72)","13.20 (6.86)"],
	       Moderate = ["23.45 (7.82)","18.29 (3.21)","9.76 (4.44)","20.48 (8.22)","12.88 (3.27)"],
	       p = ["< .001","< .001",".120","348","< .001"])
dt = RTFTable.make_data_table(df)

Next add formatting to your DataTable.

  • With set_font! update the font for the table.
  • Add cell borders with set_borders!().
  • Set the cells to have ittalic text with set_italic
set_borders!(dt,sides = ["t"],rows = 1)
set_borders!(dt,sides = ["b"],rows = [1,6])
set_italic!(dt,cols = 1)

Use the rows and cols arguments to select which cells of the table you wish to set. Note that when rows or columns are not provided to any set_* functions the entire row or column will be used. In the example all cells in the table had their font set to Times by not providing cols or rows.

List of available format functions

  • merge_cols!
  • set_cell_width!
  • set_borders!
  • set_font_size!
  • set_font!
  • set_font_color!
  • set_borders!
  • set_alignment!
  • set_bold!
  • set_italic!

After adding formatting you can add titles and footers to your table.

  • Add title with add_title
  • Add footer with add_footer
add_footer!(dt,"This is an example footer")
add_title!(dt,"A Title")

Note that these functions will add new rows to your tables which can be formatted by using the formatting functions

Once all settings have been set write the DataTable to a rtf file using the write_table() function.


Example Table

Example Table

Table Utils

Table Properties

RTFTable implements the Preferences package to allow users to set default table settings by using the set_property_default!().


After the two setting default has been set to true all new RTFTables will have their cell's text bolded in the Times font.

List of properties

  • left_border
  • left_border_width
  • right_border
  • right_border_width
  • top_border
  • top_border_width
  • bottom_border
  • bottom_border_width
  • left_align
  • center_align
  • right_align
  • bold
  • italic
  • fs (font size)
  • fontcolor
  • font

Table Postprocessing

In the case that there is a need to add unimplemented RTF table properties RTFTable has been designed to allow for easy post processing of the RTF Table. The basic text output of the table is stored in the string_matrix field of the DataTable struct. To manually update it after setting have been set run the update_string_matrix!() function. Once the string_matrix has been edited you can generate the rtf using the write_table() function with update argument set to false.

dt.string_matrix[1][1][2] = "\\ql{\\fs28\\f1{A Title Edit!}}\\cell"
write_table(dt,"example.rtf",update = false)

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