
Author JoshuaBillson
4 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
August 2023


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage

SatelliteDataSources is a pure Julia package built on top of Rasters.jl for reading satellite imagery. Most functionality is built around the AbstractSatellite type, which is used to encode sensor-specific information by exploiting Julia's multiple dispatch mechanism. For example, methods specialized on the Landsat8 struct knows which bands correspond to colors like :red or :green, how to convert digital numbers to reflectance or kelvin, and how to read the :clouds mask from the included QA file. In particular, this package aims to abstract the details of retrieving a specific layer of a remote sensing product, such that the user can simply request whatever layers they want and trust that the details will be automatically inferred from the sensor type. For a complete list of supported satellites, please refer to the Docs.


using ArchGDAL, Rasters, SatelliteDataSources, DataDeps, Fetch

# Download Landsat 8 Scene From Google Drive
landsat_link = ""
landsat_hash = "2ce24abc359d30320213237d78101d193cdb8433ce21d1f7e9f08ca140cf5785"
        "Landsat 8 Test Data", 

# Place Scene in a Landsat8 Context
src = Landsat8(datadep"LC08_L2SP_043024_20200802_20200914_02_T1")

# Load the Blue, Green, Red, and NIR Bands
stack = RasterStack(src, [:blue, :green, :red, :nir], lazy=true)

# Mask Clouds and Cloud Shadow
cloud_mask = Raster(src, :clouds) 
shadow_mask = Raster(src, :cloud_shadow) 
raster_mask = .!(boolmask(cloud_mask) .|| boolmask(shadow_mask))
masked_stack = mask(stack, with=raster_mask)

# Save Processed Data as a Multiband Raster
masked_raster = Raster(masked_stack)
write("masked_bands.tif", masked_raster)

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