
Yet another Sat Solver, but in Julia
Author Alessandrostr95
5 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
November 2021


Yet another Sat Solver, but in Julia


The package is available in the official General registry, and therefore can be downloaded directly from the julia package manager.

julia> ]
(@v1.6) pkg> add SatSolver


julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("SatSolver")


This is a package completely written in Julia which solves the satisfiability problem for formulas in CNF form.

The algorithmic technique used to solve this problem is the intelligent exhaustive search of the solution space, better known as Backtracking

Representation of Formula

Conventionally, formulas can be expressed with strings in the following format:

  • each row represents a clause
  • each literal is separated by one (or more) whitespace
  • each negated literal is preceded by the symbol ~, which represents the logical negation

Example: the logical CNF formula (A or not B or not C) and (not D or E or F) must be written as

formula = """
A ~B ~C
~D E F

Initialize an instance of SAT

Given a string representing a sat formula according to the previous description, we can instantiate an instance of sat as follow

I::SatSolver.Instance = SatSolver.parseInstance(formula)

We can also specify the path to a file that contains the string representation of a formula

I::SatSolver.Instance = SatSolver.parseInstanceFromFile("path/to/file.txt")

Solve an instance

Function sat determines if the given instance is satisfiable, and returns the set of assignments that satisfy the instance, false otherwise.

julia> formula = """
       A ~B ~C
       ~D E F

julia> I = parseInstance(formula);

julia> sat(I)
Dict{String, Bool} with 2 entries:
  "B" => 0
  "D" => 0
julia> formula = """
julia> J = parseInstance(formula);

julia> sat(J)

We can also call the funcion isSatisfiable to determine if a given instance is satisfiable or not.

julia> isSatisfiable(I)

julia> isSatisfiable(J)


Function printInstance prints a human readable representation of the logical formula

julia> printInstance(I)
(A ~B ~C) (~D E F)

Given an assignment that satisfies an instance, a "pretty" representation of that assignment can be printed on the screen with functions printSolutionTable and printRawTable

julia> solution = sat(I);

julia> printSolutionTable(I, solution)
│ Variable │ Value │
│        B │ false │
│        A │   Any │
│        C │   Any │
│        D │ false │
│        E │   Any │
│        F │   Any │

julia> printRawTable(I, solution)
B : false
A : Any
C : Any
D : false
E : Any
F : Any

The Any value indicates that any interpretation (true or false) can be given to the respective variable.

TODO list

  • write simple documentation
  • write exhaustive documentation
  • test the correctness

Used By Packages

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