
Fast vectorized mathematical functions for SIMD.jl , using SLEEFPirates.jl .
Author ClimFlows
8 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
October 2023


Fast vectorized mathematical functions for SIMD.jl , using SLEEFPirates.jl .

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The primary goal of SIMDMathFunctions is to provide efficient methods for mathematical functions with SIMD.Vec arguments. Under the hood, optimized implementations provided by SLEEFPirates.jl are used. This allows explicitly vectorized code using SIMD.jl to benefit from fast vectorized math functions.

using SIMD: VecRange
using SIMDMathFunctions: is_supported, is_fast, fast_functions
using BenchmarkTools

function exp!(xs::Vector{T}, ys::Vector{T}) where {T}
    @inbounds for i in eachindex(xs,ys)
        xs[i] = @fastmath exp(ys[i])

function exp!(xs::Vector{T}, ys::Vector{T}, ::Val{N}) where {N, T}
    @assert length(ys) == length(xs)
    @assert length(xs) % N == 0
    @assert is_supported(@fastmath exp)
    @inbounds for istart in 1:N:length(xs)
        i = VecRange{N}(istart)
        xs[i] = @fastmath exp(ys[i])

y=randn(Float32, 1024*1024); x=similar(y);

@benchmark exp!($x, $y)
@benchmark exp!($x, $y, Val(8))
@benchmark exp!($x, $y, Val(16))
@benchmark exp!($x, $y, Val(32))

unary_funs = fast_functions(1)
binary_funs = fast_functions(2)

is_supported(fun) returns true if function fun supports SIMD.Vec arguments. Similarly is_fast(fun) returns true if fun has an optimized implementation.

fast_functions([ninputs]) returns a vector of functions benefitting from a fast implementation, restricted to those accepting ninputs input arguments if ninputs is provided.

SIMDMathFunctions also provides a helper function vmap to vectorize not-yet-supported mathematical functions. For example :

using SIMD: Vec
import SIMDMathFunctions: vmap
import SpecialFunctions: erf

erf(x::Vec) = vmap(erf, x)
erf(x::Vec, y::Vec) = vmap(erf, x, y)
erf(x::Vec{N,T}, y::T) where {N,T} = vmap(erf, x, y)

x = Vec(randn(Float32, 16)...)
@benchmark erf($x)

The default vmap method simply calls erf on each element of x. There is no performance benefit, but it allows generic code to use erf. If erf_SIMD is optimized for vector inputs, you can provide a specialized method for vmap:

using VectorizationBase: verf # vectorized implementation
using SIMDMathFunctions: SIMDVec, VBVec # VectorizationBase <=> SIMD conversion

erf_SIMD(x) = SIMDVec(verf(VBVec(x)))
vmap(::typeof(erf), x) = erf_SIMD(x)

@benchmark erf($x)

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