
Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type.
Author scheinerman
3 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
October 2015


Additional algorithms for the SimplePoset type. Relies on SimpleGraphAlgorithms. See that module for more information.

Note: Calculations are done via an integer linear program and there can be quite slow.


  • max_chain(P) returns a maximum size chain of the SimplePoset.

  • max_antichain(P) returns a maximum size antichain of the SimplePoset

  • width(P) returns the size of a largest antichain in the SimplePoset. [Note: The function height (which gives the size of a largest chain) is already defined in the SimplePosets module and does not rely on integer linear programming.]

  • realizer(P,d) returns a realizer of P with d linear extensions, or throws an error if none exists. This is returned as a matrix with d columns.

  • realize_poset(R) creates a poset from a realizer. Here R is a matrix whose columns are the linear orders of the realizer.

  • dimension(P) returns the minimum size of a realizer. Use dimension(P,true) for verbose reporting.


julia> P = BooleanLattice(5)
SimplePoset{String} (32 elements)

julia> max_chain(P)

julia> max_antichain(P)

julia> P = Divisors(30)
SimplePoset{Int64} (8 elements)

julia> realizer(P,3)
8×3 Array{Int64,2}:
  1   1   1
  3   2   3
  5   5   2
 15  10   6
  2   3   5
 10  15  15
  6   6  10
 30  30  30

julia> realize_poset(ans) == P

julia> P = BooleanLattice(4)
SimplePoset{String} (16 elements)

julia> dimension(P,true)
2 <= dim(P) <= 8	looking for a 5 realizer	confirmed
2 <= dim(P) <= 5	looking for a 3 realizer	none exists
4 <= dim(P) <= 5	looking for a 4 realizer	confirmed
4 <= dim(P) <= 4	and we're done

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