
SimSpread is a novel approach for predicting interactions between two distinct set of nodes, query and target nodes, using a similarity measure vector between query nodes as a meta-description in combination with the network-based inference for link prediction.
Author cvigilv
1 Star
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
February 2023


Stable Dev Build Status

What is SimSpread.jl?

SimSpread.jl is a Julia implementation of the SimSpread formalism for link prediction. SimSpread is a novel approach for predicting interactions between two distinct set of nodes, query and target nodes, using a similarity measure vector between query nodes as a meta-description in combination with the network-based inference for link prediction.

Originally developed for the prediction of pharmacological targets for a chemical compound, this packages generalizes the method to enable the prediction of links between any pair of nodes, e.g., user-object, reader-book, buyer-product, etc.


The package can be installed using the Pkg Julia package directly from the Julia prompt with the following:

using Pkg; Pkg.add(url = "")

For the newest version (development version, may break):

using Pkg; Pkg.add(url = "", rev = "develop")


Please open an issue for support.


Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.


MIT license, refer to LICENSE for more information.

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