Unofficial wrapper of the IAU SOFA C libraries for fundamental astronomy.
Author sisl
10 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
November 2018
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Unofficial wrapper of the IAU SOFA C libraries for fundamental astronomy.


The purpose of this package is to wrap the SOFA C library of fundamental astonomical function to make it easily accessible in Julia. This package serves as a wrapper only. All functions ultimately call the original, unmodified, SOFA C library functions which are compiled as part of the package build process.

The full SOFA C test suite is reproduced as part of the package to prove compliance and reproducibility of the core SOFA C functionality.

Package Version <-> SOFA Release Correspondence

The package versions correspond to the following releases of the SOFA C Library:

Package Version SOFA Release
v2.0 2019-07-22
v1.0 2018-01-30


  1. All computed values are returned by the function call. No values are returned by reference.
  2. Wrappers for iauAtciqn, iauAticqn, and iauLdn do not currently work properly.

Compliance with SOFA License

This distribution is permitted and compliant with the SOFA license. See the LICENSE for details.