This package provides a logger that is designed for use in iterative solvers. The logger presents data in a tabulated format, with each line representing the data from an iteration of the solver. The key features of this package are:
The ability to handle different verbosity levels. Assumes each verbosity level contains all information from previous levels. Allows the user to scale the information based on current needs.
Precise control over output formatting. The location, column width, and entry formatting for each field can be controlled.
Color printing to the terminal thanks to Crayons.jl
Conditional formatting that allows values to be automatically formatted based on a the current value.
To use the default logger provided by the package, start by specifying the fields you want to log:
using SolverLogging
SolverLogging.resetlogger!() # good idea to always reset the global logger
setentry("iter", Int, width=5)
setentry("info", String, width=25)
setentry("α", fmt="%6.4f") # sets the numeric formatting
setentry("ΔJ", index=-2) # sets it to penultimate column
setentry("tol", level=2) # sets it to verbosity level 2 (prints less often)
After specifying the data we want to log, we log the data using the @log
@log "iter" 1
@log "cost" 10.2
Note this macro allows expressions:
dJ = 1e-3
str = "Some Error Code: "
@log "ΔJ" dJ
@log "info" str * string(10)
As a convenient shortcut, we if the local variable name matches the name of the field we can just pass the local variable and the name will be automatically extracted:
iter = 2
@log iter
To print the output use printlog
iter = 2
@log iter
which will automatically handle printing the header lines. Here we call it in a loop, updating the iteration field each time:
for iter = 1:15
@log iter
A simple output with conditional formatting looks like this: