
Author bjack205
5 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
April 2020



This package provides a logger that is designed for use in iterative solvers. The logger presents data in a tabulated format, with each line representing the data from an iteration of the solver. The key features of this package are:

  • The ability to handle different verbosity levels. Assumes each verbosity level contains all information from previous levels. Allows the user to scale the information based on current needs.

  • Precise control over output formatting. The location, column width, and entry formatting for each field can be controlled.

  • Color printing to the terminal thanks to Crayons.jl

  • Conditional formatting that allows values to be automatically formatted based on a the current value.


To use the default logger provided by the package, start by specifying the fields you want to log:

using SolverLogging
SolverLogging.resetlogger!()  # good idea to always reset the global logger
setentry("iter", Int, width=5)
setentry("info", String, width=25) 
setentry("α", fmt="%6.4f")  # sets the numeric formatting
setentry("ΔJ", index=-2)    # sets it to penultimate column
setentry("tol", level=2)    # sets it to verbosity level 2  (prints less often)

After specifying the data we want to log, we log the data using the @log macro:

@log "iter" 1
@log "cost" 10.2

Note this macro allows expressions:

dJ = 1e-3
str = "Some Error Code: "
@log "ΔJ" dJ
@log "info" str * string(10)

As a convenient shortcut, we if the local variable name matches the name of the field we can just pass the local variable and the name will be automatically extracted:

iter = 2
@log iter 

To print the output use printlog:

iter = 2
@log iter 

which will automatically handle printing the header lines. Here we call it in a loop, updating the iteration field each time:

for iter = 1:15
    @log iter

Sample Output

A simple output with conditional formatting looks like this:

Required Packages