
A lightweight SQLite-based Graph Database for Julia.
Author JuliaComputing
28 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
November 2021

Build status Codecov


A Graph Database for Julia, built on top of SQLite.jl.


SQLiteGraph.jl uses the Property Graph Model of the Cypher Query Language (PDF).

  • A Node describes a discrete object in a domain.
  • Nodes can have 0+ labels that classify what kind of node they are.
  • An Edge describes a directional relationship between nodes.
  • An edge must have a type that classifies the relationship.
  • Both edges and nodes can have additional key-value properties that provide further information.

Edges and Nodes

  • Nodes and Edges have a simple representation:
struct Node

struct Edge
  • With simple constructors:
Node(id, labels...; props...)

Edge(source_id, target_id, type; props...)

Adding Elements to the Graph

using SQLiteGraph

db = DB()

insert!(db, Node(1, "Person", "Actor"; name="Tom Hanks"))

insert!(db, Node(2, "Movie"; title="Forest Gump"))

insert!(db, Edge(1, 2, "Acts In"; awards=["Best Actor in a Leading Role"]))

Editing Elements

insert! will not replace an existing node or edge. Instead, use replace!.

replace!(db, Node(2, "Movie"; title="Forest Gump", genre="Drama"))

Simple Queries

  • Use getindex to access elements.
  • If : is used as an index, an iterator is returned.
  • If s::String is used as an index, an iterator of nodes where s is one of the labels is returned.
db[1]  # Node(1, "Person", "Actor"; name="Tom Hanks")

for node in db[:]

only(db["Movie"])  # Node(2, "Movie"; title="Forest Gump", genre="Drama")

# (Pretend the graph is populated with many more items.  The following return iterators.)

db[1, :, "Acts In"]  # All movies that Tom Hanks acts in

db[:, 2, "Acts In"]  # All actors in "Forest Gump"

db[1, 2, :]  # All relationships between "Tom Hanks" and "Forest Gump"

db[:, :, :]  # All edges

✨ Attribution ✨

SQLiteGraph is STRONGLY influenced by https://github.com/dpapathanasiou/simple-graph.

Under the Hood Details

  • Nodes and edges are saved in the nodes and edges tables, respectively.
  • nodes
    • id (INTEGER): unique identifier of a node
    • labels (TEXT): stored as ;-delimited (thus ; cannot be used in a label)
    • props (TEXT): stored as JSON3.write(props)
  • edges
    • source (INTEGER): id of "from" node (nodes(id) is a foreign key)
    • target (INTEGER): id of "to" node (nodes(id) is a foreign key)
    • type (TEXT): the "class" of the edge/relationship
    • props (TEXT)

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