StippleMathjs adds mathjs to your Stipple or GenieFramwork project.
Furthermore, it adds automatic conversion of all types of Complex
numbers between server and client.
using Stipple, Stipple.ReactiveTools
using StippleUI
using StippleMathjs
x0 = 1.0
y0 = 2.0
@app begin
@in x = x0
@in y = y0
@in z = x0 + y0 * im
@in z2::ComplexF64 = x0 + y0 * im
@onchange x, y begin
# update z without triggering `@onchange z`
z[!] = x + y * im
# update x and y of the client(s)
@push z
@onchange z begin
# update x and y without triggering `@onchange x, y`
x[!] =
y[!] =
# update x and y of the client(s)
@push x
@push y
@deps StippleMathjs
function ui()
card(class = "q-pa-md", [
numberfield(class = "q-ma-md", "x", :x)
numberfield(class = "q-ma-md", "y", :y)
card(class = "q-pa-md q-my-md", [
row([cell(col = 2, "z"), cell("{{ z }}")])
row([cell(col = 2, "z.mul(z)"), cell("{{ z.mul(z) }}")])
row([cell(col = 2, "z.abs()"), cell("{{ z.abs() }}")])
btn(class = "q-my-md", "square(z)", color = "primary", @click("z = z.mul(z)"))
@page("/", ui, debounce = 10)
The example app with a correct Manifest.toml is available on StippleDemos.jl
Due to a current bug in Stipple you need to define
outside the loop in order to guarantee that z is of the correct type. Alternatively, you could declarez
explicitly, e.g. asz::ComplexF64
This package can serve as a good example how to embed other javascript sources into your own project.