
Uniform arrays for Julia
Author emmt
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Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
April 2020

Structured arrays for Julia

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StructuredArrays is a small Julia package which provides multi-dimensional arrays behaving like regular arrays but whose elements have the same given value or are computed by applying a given function to their indices. The main advantage of such arrays is that they are very light in terms of memory: their storage requirement is O(1) whatever their size instead of O(n) for an ordinary array of n elements.

Note that StructuredArrays has a different purpose than StructArrays which is designed for arrays whose elements are struct.

Uniform arrays

All elements of a uniform array have the same value. A uniform array thus require to only store this value and the dimensions (or the axes) of the array. In addition, some operations (e.g., minimum, maximum, extrema, all, any, sum, prod, count, findmin, findmax, reverse, or unique) may be implemented so as to be very fast for uniform arrays.

To build a uniform array, call:

A = UniformArray(val, args...)

which yields an array A behaving as a read-only array whose values are all val and whose axes are defined by args.... Each of args... define an array axis and can be an integer for a 1-based index or an integer-valued unit step range. It is thus possible to have offset axes as in the OffsetArrays package.

Uniform arrays implement conventional linear indexing: A[i] yields val for all linear indices i in the range 1:length(A).

The statement A[i] = x is however not implemented because uniform arrays are considered as read-only. You may call MutableUniformArray(val,dims) to create a mutable uniform array. For example:

B = MutableUniformArray(val, args...)

For B, the statement B[i] = x is allowed to change the value of all the elements of B provided index i represents all possible indices in B. Typically B[:] = x or B[1:end] = x are accepted but not B[1] = x, unless B has a single element.

Apart from all values being the same, uniform arrays behave like ordinary Julia arrays.

When calling a uniform array constructor, the element type T and the number of dimensions N may be specified. This is most useful for T to enforce a given element type. By default, T = typeof(val) is assumed. For example:

A = UniformArray{T}(val, args...)
B = MutableUniformArray{T,N}(val, args...)

Fast uniform arrays

A fast uniform array is like an immutable uniform array but with the value of all elements being part of the signature so that this value is known at compile time. To build such an array, call one of:

A = FastUniformArray(val, args...)
A = FastUniformArray{T}(val, args...)
A = FastUniformArray{T,N}(val, args...)

Structured arrays

The values of the elements of a structured array are computed on the fly as a function of their indices. To build such an array, call:

A = StructuredArray(func, args...)

which yields a read-only array A whose values at index i are computed as func(i) and whose axes are defined by args.... In other words, A[i] yields func(i).

An optional leading argument S may be used to specify another index style than the default IndexCartesian:

A = StructuredArray(S, func, args...)

where S may be a sub-type of IndexStyle or an instance of such a sub-type. If S is IndexCartesian (the default), the function func will be called with N integer arguments, a Vararg{Int,N}, N being the number of dimensions. If S is IndexLinear, the function func will be called with a single integer argument, an Int.

A structured array can be used to specify the location of structural non-zeros in a sparse matrix. For instance, the structure of a lower triangular matrix of size m×n could be given by:

StructuredArray((i,j) -> (i  j), m, n)

but with a constant small storage requirement whatever the size of the matrix.

Although the callable object func may not be a pure function, its return type shall be stable and structured arrays are considered as immutable in the sense that a statement like A[i] = x is not implemented. The type, say, T of the elements of structured array is inferred by applying func to the unit index or may be explicitly specified:

StructuredArray{T}(S, func, dims)

where, if omitted, S = IndexCartesian is assumed. The StructuredArray constructor also supports the number of dimensions N and the indexing style S as optional type parameters. The two following examples are equivalent:

A = StructuredArray{T,N}(S, func, args...)
A = StructuredArray{T,N,S}(func, args...)

Required Packages