
Calculate support points for a sample of data
Author kshedden
2 Stars
Updated Last
5 Months Ago
Started In
February 2022

Support Points

This is a Julia implementation of the support points methodology introduced by Mak and Joseph in 2018. Support points are a finite collection of points whose empirical distribution represents a given target distribution.


Below we generate points in the plane whose coordinates are independent and follow standard exponential distributions. Then we plot the support points along with the underlying density countours.

using SupportPoints, Plots, StableRNGs, LaTeXStrings, Statistics, Printf, Distributions
rng = StableRNG(123)

n = 1000
p = 2

d = Exponential(1)
Y = rand(rng, d, p, n)
X = supportpoints(Y, 20; maxit=1000)

function plot_density(dx, dy, xr, yr)
    x = range(first(xr), last(xr), 20)
    y = range(first(yr), last(yr), 20)
    f(x, y) = pdf(dx, x) * pdf(dy, y)
    X = repeat(reshape(x, 1, :), length(y), 1)
    Y = repeat(y, 1, length(x))
    Z = map(f, X, Y)
    plt = contour(x, y, Z, cbar=false, levels=15, size=(400,300))
    return plt

plt = plot_density(d, d, (0, 4), (0, 4))
plt = plot!(plt, X[1, :], X[2, :], seriestype=:scatter, label=nothing)
Plots.savefig(plt, "./assets/readme1.svg")

Example plot 1

As a second example we consider points whose coordinates are independent and follow Beta(2, 4) distributions.

d = Beta(2, 4)
Y = rand(rng, d, p, n)
X = supportpoints(Y, 20; maxit=1000)

plt = plot_density(d, d, (0, 1), (0, 1))
plt = plot!(X[1, :], X[2, :], seriestype=:scatter, label=nothing)
Plots.savefig(plt, "./assets/readme2.svg")

Example plot 2


[1] Support Points. Simon Mak, V. Roshan Joseph.

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