
Author JuliaSurv
2 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
May 2024


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage Code Style: Blue ColPrac: Contributor's Guide on Collaborative Practices for Community Packages PkgEval Aqua

The SurvivalBase.jl package is intended to hold internals and shared infrastructure for several other front-facing packages in the JuliaSurv organization, while having the minimal set of dependencies. Please do not use it directly and instead used other front-facing packages and interfaces from the organization.

Right now, the main infrastructure consists of special functions Surv and Strata used in StatsModels.jl's @formulas to be able to express as formulas strandard survival models.

The current implementation only provides bindings for right censored survivals times (with Surv(T,Δ), left-hand-side of formulas) and stratified estimators (with Strata(x), right-hand-side of formulas), but extensions to more complex survival times (e.g. truncation and/or censoring from right and/or left) is planned (note: it would be straightforward and non-breaking).

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