
Summarize a DataFrame, as might be needed for a manuscript's *Table 1*
Author markgpritchard
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Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
December 2023


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Package to produce a summary table which may be used as Table 1 in a manuscript. Functions are supplied to give equivalence to the R package tableone by Kazuki Yoshida.


julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("TableOne")

julia> using TableOne

Example use

The only exported function is tableone.

We use a publicly available Primary Biliary Cholangitis dataset to create an example Table 1.

julia> using TableOne, CSV, DataFrames, Downloads

julia> pbcdata =

julia> tableone(
           [ "age", "sex", "hepato", "edema", "bili", "chol", "stage" ];
           binvars = [ "sex", "hepato" ],
           catvars = [ "edema", "stage" ],
           npvars = [ "bili", "chol" ],
           digits = 2,
           binvardisplay = Dict("sex" => "f"),
           varnames = Dict(
               "age" => "Age, years",
               "hepato" => "Hepatomegaly",
               "bili" => "Bilirubin: mg/dL",
               "chol" => "Cholesterol: mg/dL"
15×5 DataFrame
 Row │ variablenames                     1                     2                     nmissing  p      
     │ String                            String                String                String    String 
   1 │ n                                 158                   154                   106
   2 │ Age, years: mean (sd)             51.42 (11.01)         48.58 (9.96)          0         0.018
   3 │ sex: f                            137 (86.71)           139 (90.26)           0         0.422
   4 │ Hepatomegaly: 1                   73 (46.2)             87 (56.49)            0         0.088
   5 │ edema                                                                         0         0.877
   60.0                           132 (83.54)           131 (85.06)
   70.5                           16 (10.13)            13 (8.44)
   81.0                           10 (6.33)             10 (6.49)
   9 │ Bilirubin: mg/dL: median [IQR]    1.4 [0.83.2]         1.3 [0.723.6]        0         0.842
  10 │ Cholesterol: mg/dL: median [IQR]  315.5 [247.75417.0]  303.5 [254.25377.0]  28        0.544
  11 │ stage                                                                         0         0.201
  121                             12 (7.59)             4 (2.6)
  132                             35 (22.15)            32 (20.78)
  143                             56 (35.44)            64 (41.56)
  154                             55 (34.81)            54 (35.06)

More examples are given in the documentation at

Issues and new features

Please let me know if you use this package, if it works well for you and if there are any problems.

Version 0.2 contains all the functionality I currently plan to add. Please let me know if there is anything you think should be added, either as an Issue or a Pull request.