
Threaded implementation of dense-sparse matrix multiplication.
Author RomeoV
6 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
November 2023


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Threaded implementation of dense-sparse matrix multiplication, built on top of Polyester.jl.


Just install and import this package, and launch Julia with some threads e.g. julia --threads=auto! Then e.g. any of these will be accelerated:

A = rand(1_000, 2_000); B = sprand(2_000, 30_000, 0.05); buf = similar(size(A,1), size(B,2))  # prealloc
fastdensesparsemul!(buf, A, B, 1, 0)
fastdensesparsemul_threaded!(buf, A, B, 1, 0)
fastdensesparsemul_outer!(buf, @view(A[:, 1]), B[1,:], 1, 0)
fastdensesparsemul_outer_threaded!(buf, @view(A[:, 1]), B[1,:], 1, 0)

The interface is adapted from the 5-parameter definition used by mul! and also BLAS. Previously we tried to overload the mul! operator, which comes with some nice syntactic convenience, but it lead to some downstream problems with package precompilation, and checking whether our implementation is actually used.


I want to do $C \leftarrow C - D \times S$ fast, where $D$ and $S$ are dense and sparse matrices, respectively. Notice how this is different from $C \leftarrow C - S \times D$, i.e. dense $\times$ sparse vs sparse $\times$ dense. In particular:

  • The SparseArrays.jl package doesn't support threaded multiplication.
  • The IntelMKL.jl package doesn't seem to support dense $\times$ sparsecsc multiplication, although one can get similar performance using that package and transposing appropriately. It also comes with possible licensing issues and is vendor-specific.
  • The ThreadedSparseCSR.jl package also just supports sparsecsr $\times$ dense.
  • The ThreadedSparseArrays.jl package also just supports ThreadedSparseMatrixCSC $\times$ dense, and also doesn't install for me currently.

I haven't found an implementation for that, so made one myself. In fact, the package Polyester.jl makes this super easy, the entire code is basically

import SparseArrays: SparseMatrixCSC, mul!; import SparseArrays
import Polyester: @batch

function fastdensesparsemul_threaded!(C::AbstractMatrix, A::AbstractMatrix, B::SparseMatrixCSC, α::Number, β::Number)
    @batch for j in axes(B, 2)
        C[:, j] .*= β
        C[:, j] .+= A *.*B[:, j])
    return C

Notice that this approach doesn't make sense for matrix-vector multiplication (the loop would just have one element), so that case is not considered in this package, however it does make sense for outer producs.

Note on column-major and CSC vs CSR

I haven't found much literature on the choice of CSC vs CSR storage specifically of the context of dense $\cdot$ sparse multiplication with column-major dense storage. However, as we can see in the code snippet above, the CSC format seems to be reasonably sensible for column-major dense storage. To compute any given column in $C_{(:,j)}$ of $C$ we are essentially computing a weighted sum of columns in $A$, i.e. $C_{(:,j)} = \sum_k \lambda_k \cdot A_{(:,k)}$ which should be very cache efficient and SSE-able.


For matrices $(N\times K)$ and $(K\times M)$ we fix $N=1'000$ and $K=2'000$ and vary M. Here's are the benchmark results, comparing against SparseArrays.jl, which ships with Julia but is single-threaded:

scaling benchmark

For all M we see a speed up over _spmul! from the SparseArrays package of up to ~2x for M in [300, 30_000]. We also compare against MKLSparse.jl. However, since MKLSparse only supports dense x sparse we first need to allocate spare buffers and transpose the dense matrix (these allocations are not measured in the no_transpose variant), and then computing essentially $(B^T A^T)^T$. The result is much slower, likely due to the fact that the dense matrix is column-major. We also compare against SparseArrays.jl doing the same, where we also see poor performance.

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