Provides a multithreaded version of sparse CSR matrix - vector multiplication in Julia.
To install this package:
using Pkg
] add ThreadedSparseCSR
The CSR matrix format is implemented in the Julia package SparseMatricesCSR.jl, which must be installed for this package to work.
To enable multithreaded mat-vec multiplication, Julia must be initialized with threads, eitheir by setting the variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS
or by initializing julia as julia -t n
(to start with n
This package implements a multithreaded version of sparse matrix CSR - vector multiplication in Julia.
The package exports the functions:
tmul!(y, A, x, [alpha], [beta])
, 5 argument (y = alpha*A*x +beta*y
) and 3 argument (y = A*x
) in-place multithreaded versions ofmul!
, usingBase.Threads
threading (using@spawn
)tmul(A, x)
, multithreaded version ofA*x
, usingBase.Threads
threading (using@spawn
)bmul!(y, A, x, [alpha], [beta])
, 5 argument (y = alpha*A*x +beta*y
) and 3 argument (y = A*x
) in-place multithreaded versions ofmul!
, using Polyester.jl threading (using@batch
)bmul(A, x)
, multithreaded version ofA*x
, using Polyester.jl threading (using@batch
The number of Julia threads that are used for sparse mat-vec multiplication can be checked via
By default, when the package is first imported, the number of threads is set to Threads.nthreads()
using ThreadedSparseCSR
ThreadedSparseCSR.get_num_threads() == Threads.nthreads() # true
The number of threads can be changed by using the function:
ThreadedSparseCSR.set_num_threads(4) # 4 threads will be used now
It is possible to overwrite the function *
and mul!
by their multithreaded versions. This is done using the function:
which overwrites *
and mul!
by bmul
and bmul!
, respectivelly;
which overwrites *
and mul!
by tmul
and tmul!
, respectivelly;
by default, overwrites *
and mul!
by bmul
and bmul!
, respectivelly.
using ThreadedSparseCSR
using SparseArrays, SparseMatricesCSR
using BenchmarkTools
m, n = 1_000, 1_000
d = 0.01
num_nzs = floor(Int, m*n*d)
rows = rand(1:m, num_nzs)
cols = rand(1:n, num_nzs)
vals = rand(num_nzs)
cscA = sparse(rows, cols, vals, m, n)
csrA = sparsecsr(rows, cols, vals, m, n)
x = rand(n)
y1 = rand(n)
y2 = copy(y1)
y3 = copy(y1)
@btime mul!($y1, $csrA, $x, true, false) # non-threaded version
@btime bmul!($y2, $csrA, $x, true, false) # multithreaded version using Polyester.@batch
@btime tmul!($y3, $csrA, $x, true, false) # multithreaded version using Base.Threads.@spawn
@btime mul!($y1, $csrA, $x, true, false) # multithreaded version using Polyester.@batch
@btime mul!($y1, $csrA, $x, true, false) # multithreaded version using Base.Threads.@spawn
@btime mul!($y1, $csrA, $x, true, false) # multithreaded version using Polyester.@batch
# Change the number of threads:
@btime mul!($y1, $csrA, $x, true, false) # multithreaded version using Polyester.@batch
Let us compare the performance of multithreaded sparse CSR matrix - vec as implemented in this package, with the non-threaded version and the multithreaded sparse CSC matrix - vec multiplication provided by MKLSparse.jl (both for non-transposed and transposed matrix).
Code for benchmark:
using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, SparseMatricesCSR, ThreadedSparseCSR
using MKLSparse # to enable multithreaded Sparse CSC Matrix-Vec multiplication
using BenchmarkTools, PyPlot
function benchmark_csr_mv(sizes, densities)
times_csc = zeros(length(sizes), length(densities))
times_csc_transpose = zeros(length(sizes), length(densities))
times_csr_mul = zeros(length(sizes), length(densities))
times_csr_bmul = zeros(length(sizes), length(densities))
times_csr_tmul = zeros(length(sizes), length(densities))
for (j, d) in enumerate(densities)
for (i, n) in enumerate(sizes)
num_nzs = floor(Int, n*n*d)
rows = rand(1:n, num_nzs)
cols = rand(1:n, num_nzs)
vals = rand(num_nzs)
cscA = sparse(rows, cols, vals, n, n)
cscAt = transpose(cscA)
csrA = sparsecsr(rows, cols, vals, n, n)
x = rand(n)
y1 = zeros(n)
y2 = zeros(n)
y3 = zeros(n)
y4 = zeros(n)
y5 = zeros(n)
b_csc = @benchmark mul!($y1, $cscA, $x, true, false)
times_csc[i, j] = minimum(b_csc).time/1000 # time in microseconds
b_csc_transpose = @benchmark mul!($y2, $cscAt, $x, true, false)
times_csc_transpose[i, j] = minimum(b_csc_transpose).time/1000 # time in microseconds
b_csr_mul = @benchmark mul!($y3, $csrA, $x, true, false)
times_csr_mul[i, j] = minimum(b_csr_mul).time/1000 # time in microseconds
b_csr_bmul = @benchmark bmul!($y4, $csrA, $x, true, false)
times_csr_bmul[i, j] = minimum(b_csr_bmul).time/1000 # time in microseconds
b_csr_tmul = @benchmark tmul!($y5, $csrA, $x, true, false)
times_csr_tmul[i, j] = minimum(b_csr_tmul).time/1000 # time in microseconds
return times_csc, times_csc_transpose, times_csr_mul, times_csr_bmul, times_csr_tmul
sizes = [1_000, 5_000, 10_000, 50_000, 100_000]
densities = [0.01, 0.001, 0.0001]
times_csc, times_csc_transpose, times_csr_mul, times_csr_bmul, times_csr_tmul = benchmark_csr_mv(sizes, densities)
f, ax = subplots(1, 3, figsize = (13, 5))
for (i, d) in enumerate(densities)
ax[i].loglog(sizes, times_csc[:, i], marker = "v", label = "MKLSparse, CSC")
ax[i].loglog(sizes, times_csc_transpose[:, i], marker = "^", label = "MKLSparse, transpose(CSC)")
ax[i].loglog(sizes, times_csr_mul[:, i], marker = "h", label = "non-threaded mul (CSR)")
ax[i].loglog(sizes, times_csr_bmul[:, i], marker = "s", label = "bmul (CSR)")
ax[i].loglog(sizes, times_csr_tmul[:, i], marker = "o", label = "tmul (CSR)")
ax[i].set_title("non-zero density = $(d)")
ax[i].set_xlabel("matrix size")
ax[i].set_ylabel("minimum time [μs]")
savefig("benchmark_csr_matvec.png", dpi = 300)
Julia Version 1.6.3
Commit ae8452a9e0 (2021-09-23 17:34 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750G with Radeon Graphics
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-11.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver2)
This package was influenced and inspired by: