
This package aims to compute the Tracy-Widom distribution for arbitrary positive beta.
Author Yiting687691
1 Star
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
February 2022

Compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and probability density function (PDF) of the Tracy-Widom distribution for arbitrary β>0 using finite-difference and Fourier spectral methods.

This respository contains the code for:

A basic example usage follows.

β = 3 #value of β
F = TW(β) #CDF
f = TW(β; pdf = true) #PDF
s = -2 #point of evaluation

Optional arguments include the method of discretization and the method of time integration. Example usage of these optional arguments follows.

β = 3 #value of β
F = TW(β; method = "spectral", step = "bdf5") #CDF
f = TW(β; method = "spectral", step = "bdf5", pdf = true) #PDF
s = -2 #point of evaluation

Additionally, discrete values obtained prior to interpolation are accessible. Example usage follows.

β = 3 #value of β
F = TW(β; interp = false)
x = F[1] #set of discrete points
F_cdf = F[2] #CDF evaluated at these discrete points

For β = 4, s should be divided by an extra factor of 2^(1/6), as many published results adhere to a distinct scaling convention.

Figures in the paper can be found here.

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