This is a simple Julia package to solve the travelling salesman problem using an Dantzig-Fulkerson-Johnson algorithm. I learned about this kind of algorithm from the very nice blog post which also has a Julia implementation. In the symmetric case, the implementation in this package uses the symmetry of the problem to reduce the number of variables, and essentially is the most basic version of the algorithms described by (Pferschy and Staněk, 2017) (i.e. no warmstarts or clustering methods for subtour elimination as a presolve step).
See also
for a Julia implementation of heuristic solutions to the TSP (which will be much
more performant, especially for large problems, although not exact).
Additionally, see
for one use of this package: generating exact cost values for test-cases to help
tune the heuristics of the aforementioned TravelingSalesmanHeuristics.jl
Generating subtour elimination constraints for the TSP from pure integer solutions
Pferschy, U. & Staněk, R. Cent Eur J Oper Res (2017) 25: 231.
Solution of a Large-Scale Traveling-Salesman Problem
G. Dantzig, R. Fulkerson, and S. Johnson, J. Oper. Res. Soc. (1954) 2:4, 393-410
Requires Julia (
This package is registered, so you can add it via
] add TravelingSalesmanExact
You also need a
mixed-integer solver compatible with JuMP 19+
to do the underlying optimization. For example, GLPK
is a free, open-source
solver (see for the compatible Julia
wrapper) and can be installed by
] add GLPK
is a commercial wrapper that offers free academic licenses. It has a
compatible Julia wrapper Gurobi
( that
can be installed via
] add Gurobi
Note you also need Gurobi itself installed and a license properly configured.
With GLPK:
using TravelingSalesmanExact, GLPK
n = 50
cities = [ 100*rand(2) for _ in 1:n];
tour, cost = get_optimal_tour(cities; verbose = true)
Note, if you are using an older version of JuMP (v0.19 or v0.20), you need to use set_default_optimizer!(with_optimizer(GLPK.Optimizer))
To use Gurobi, the first few lines can be changed to:
using TravelingSalesmanExact, Gurobi
const GurobiEnv = Gurobi.Env()
set_default_optimizer!(() -> Gurobi.Optimizer(GurobiEnv, OutputFlag = 0))
Note that without the OutputFlag = 0
argument, Gurobi will print a lot of information about each iteration of the solve.
is another commercial wrapper that offers free academic licenses. It has a compatible Julia wrapper MosekTools
( You also need a license properly configured; the older wrapper Mosek.jl offers instructions for this. Mosek
can be used as e.g.
using TravelingSalesmanExact, MosekTools
set_default_optimizer!(() -> Mosek.Optimizer(QUIET = true))
One can also pass an optimizer to get_optimal_tour
instead of setting the default for the session, e.g.
using TravelingSalesmanExact, GLPK
n = 50
cities = [ 100*rand(2) for _ in 1:n];
tour, cost = get_optimal_tour(cities, GLPK.Optimizer; verbose = true)
See for a benchmark comparing the computation time between these solvers on random problems as well as comparing to that of heuristics.