13 Packages since 2019
User Packages
ExplicitImports.jl77Developer tooling for Julia namespace management: detecting implicit imports, improper explicit imports, and improper qualified accesses
TravelingSalesmanExact.jl43Solve the travelling salesman problem using a mixed integer optimization algorithm with JuMP
Asciicast.jl40Easy REPL animations in READMEs, Documenter docs, and more!
TrackingTimers.jl19Easily log timing info in the presence of parallelism
AllocArrays.jl16Arrays that use a dynamically-scoped allocator
UnbalancedOptimalTransport.jl14Sinkhorn divergences for measures of unequal mass
SDPAFamily.jl13A Julia interface to the SDPA-GMP, SDPA-DD, and SDPA-QD high precision semidefinite programming solvers.
VisualStringDistances.jl12Calculate distances between strings by how similar they look
LicenseCheck.jl5Provides some license checking functionality in Julia by wrapping some of the Go library `licencecheck` and supplying some utilities
GuessworkQuantumSideInfo.jl5Computing the guesswork in the presence of quantum side information
ModularIndices.jl4Modular (periodic) indices for Julia arrays
PyArrow.jl1Julia wrapper for pyarrow
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