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Started In
May 2022


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TruthTables.jl is an educational package that generates truth tables from Julia expressions using the @truthtable macro.


To install TruthTables.jl, use the Julia's package manager, Pkg.jl:

julia>] add TruthTables


To create a truth table use the @truthtable macro passing a proposition (logical expression) as an argument:

julia> using TruthTables

julia> @truthtable p || q
│   p   │   q   │ p  q │
│ truetruetrue  │
│ truefalsetrue  │
│ falsetruetrue  │
│ falsefalsefalse │

The @truthtable macro has an optional keyword argument: full. If full is true, the truth table will be created in expanded form.

julia> @truthtable p && (!q || r) full=true
│   p   │   q   │   r   │  ¬q   │ ¬q  r │ p  (¬q  r) │
│ truetruetruefalsetruetrue         │
│ truetruefalsefalsefalsefalse        │
│ truefalsetruetruetruetrue         │
│ truefalsefalsetruetruetrue         │
│ falsetruetruefalsetruefalse        │
│ falsetruefalsefalsefalsefalse        │
│ falsefalsetruetruetruefalse        │
│ falsefalsefalsetruetruefalse        │

It is possible to change the way TruthTables are displayed using TruthTables.showmode!(mode) function. The mode argument can be one of these symbols: :bool (default), :bit or :letter. Boolean values (true and false) will be displayed without formatting in :bool mode, as 1 and 0 in :bit mode and as T and F in :letter mode.

julia> TruthTables.showmode!(:bit)

julia> @truthtable p || q <--> r
│ p │ q │ r │ p  q <--> r │
│ 1111            │
│ 1100            │
│ 1011            │
│ 1000            │
│ 0111            │
│ 0100            │
│ 0010            │
│ 0001            │

julia> @truthtable p || q <--> r full=true
│ p │ q │ r │ p  q │ p  q <--> r │
│ 11111            │
│ 11010            │
│ 10111            │
│ 10010            │
│ 01111            │
│ 01010            │
│ 00100            │
│ 00001            │

julia> TruthTables.showmode!(:letter)

julia> @truthtable !(p || q) <--> (!p && !q)
│ p │ q │ ¬(p  q) <--> ¬p  ¬q │
│ T │ T │ T                     │
│ T │ F │ T                     │
│ F │ T │ T                     │
│ F │ F │ T                     │

julia> @truthtable !(p || q) <--> (!p && !q) full=true
│ p │ q │ p  q │ ¬(p  q) │ ¬p │ ¬q │ ¬p  ¬q │ ¬(p  q) <--> ¬p  ¬q │
│ T │ T │ T     │ F        │ F  │ F  │ F       │ T                     │
│ T │ F │ T     │ F        │ F  │ T  │ F       │ T                     │
│ F │ T │ T     │ F        │ T  │ F  │ F       │ T                     │
│ F │ F │ F     │ T        │ T  │ T  │ T       │ T                     │

Some logical operators can be expressed using different symbols. This is the list of available symbols:

Operator Symbols
AND &&, &, (\wedge<tab>)
OR ||, |, (\vee<tab>)
NOT !, ~, ¬ (\neg<tab>)
XOR (\xor<tab>)
NAND (\nand<tab>)
NOR (\nor<tab>)
IMPLICATION -->, (\to<tab> or \rightarrow<tab>), ( \Rightarrow<tab>)
EQUIVALENCE <-->, ===, (\equiv<tab>), (\leftrightarrow<tab>), (\Leftrightarrow<tab>)


julia> TruthTables.showmode!() # default show mode

julia> @truthtable ~p & (q | r)
│   p   │   q   │   r   │ ¬p  (q  r) │
│ truetruetruefalse        │
│ truetruefalsefalse        │
│ truefalsetruefalse        │
│ truefalsefalsefalse        │
│ falsetruetruetrue         │
│ falsetruefalsetrue         │
│ falsefalsetruetrue         │
│ falsefalsefalsefalse        │

julia> @truthtable ~p & (q | r) full=true
│   p   │   q   │   r   │  ¬p   │ q  r │ ¬p  (q  r) │
│ truetruetruefalsetruefalse        │
│ truetruefalsefalsetruefalse        │
│ truefalsetruefalsetruefalse        │
│ truefalsefalsefalsefalsefalse        │
│ falsetruetruetruetruetrue         │
│ falsetruefalsetruetruetrue         │
│ falsefalsetruetruetruetrue         │
│ falsefalsefalsetruefalsefalse        │

julia> TruthTables.showmode!(:bit)

julia> @truthtable (p --> q)  (¬p  q)
│ p │ q │ (p --> q)  ¬p  q │
│ 111                  │
│ 101                  │
│ 011                  │
│ 001                  │

julia> @truthtable (p --> q)  (¬p  q) full=true
│ p │ q │ p --> q │ ¬p │ ¬p  q │ (p --> q)  ¬p  q │
│ 111011                  │
│ 100001                  │
│ 011111                  │
│ 001111                  │

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