The 2-FAST (2-point function from Fast and Accurate Spherical bessel Transform) algorithm is implemented here in the Julia programming language. It computes integrals over one and two spherical Bessel functions as they frequently occur in cosmology.
The algorithm is documented in the paper Fast and Accurate Computation of Projected Two-point functions, arXiv link, ADS link.
To install in Julia-1.0, press ]
to enter package mode, and then
pkg> add TwoFAST
Minimal example
Load the module:
using TwoFAST
For both minimal examples we need a power spectrum. For example, we can use the
one in the test/
subdirectory of this project:
using Dierckx
using DelimitedFiles
path = homedir() * "/.julia/packages/TwoFAST/"
path *= readdir(path)[1]
path *= "/test/data/planck_base_plikHM_TTTEEE_lowTEB_lensing_post_BAO_H070p6_JLA_matterpower.dat"
d = readdlm(path, comments=true)
pk = Spline1D(d[:,1], d[:,2])
To calculate the real-space correlation function, use
N = 1024 # number of points to use in the Fourier transform
kmax = 1e3 # maximum k-value
kmin = 1e-5 # minimum k-value
r0 = 1e-3 # minimum r-value (should be ~1/kmax)
print("ξ(r), ℓ=0, ν=0: ")
r00, xi00 = xicalc(pk, 0, 0; N=N, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, r0=r0)
print("ξ(r), ℓ=0, ν=-2:")
r, xi0m2 = xicalc(pk, 0, -2; N=N, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, r0=r0)
To calculate the integrals over two spherical Bessel functions, we first
calculate the Fourier kernels at the highest needed ℓ. This is done with the
structure F21EllCache
. Then, we generate the full Mll-cache for each ℓ.
This will automatically store the result in the file out/MlCache/MlCache.bin
and all related info will be stored in the structure MlCache
. Finally, to
actually calculate the wljj-terms we call the function calcwljj()
. However,
to store the wljj-terms, we need to create the output arrays, and write a
function, outfunc()
, that will store them in the arrays. The function
will be called for each ℓ in the array ell
. Here's an example:
N = 4096
chi0 = 1e-3
kmin = 1e-5
kmax = 1e3
q = 1.1
ell = [42] # only ell=42 for this run
RR = [0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0]
# calculate M_ll at high ell, result gets saved to a file:
f21cache = F21EllCache(maximum(ell), RR, N; q=q, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, χ0=chi0)
write("out/F21EllCache", f21cache)
# calculate all M_ll, result gets saved to a file:
mlcache = MlCache(ell, "out/F21EllCache", "out/MlCache")
write("out/MlCache", mlcache)
# calculate wljj:
w00 = Array{Float64}(undef, N, length(RR))
w02 = Array{Float64}(undef, N, length(RR))
function outfunc(wjj, ell, rr, RR)
if ell == 42
w00[:,:] = wjj[1]
w02[:,:] = wjj[2]
rr = calcwljj(pk, RR; ell=ell, kmin=kmin, kmax=kmax, N=N, r0=chi0, q=q, outfunc=outfunc, cachefile="out/MlCache/MlCache.bin")