
Compile away dynamic dispatch on Val-typed arguments via value-splitting.
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Compile away dynamic dispatch over methods with Val-typed arguments by "Val-splitting" (similar to union splitting) using the @valsplit macro. By annotating a function definition with @valsplit and choosing arguments to split upon, the resulting function will be a switch statement over all Val parameters associated with the chosen arguments. Requires Julia 1.3 and above.


ValSplit.jl is a registered package. To install, press ] at the Julia REPL to enter Pkg mode, then run:

add ValSplit


Suppose we have a function soundof that takes in a Val-typed argument, and returns how an animal sounds:

soundof(animal::Val{:dog}) = "woof"
soundof(animal::Val{:cat}) = "nyan"

We might want a version of soundof that takes in Symbol values directly, and hence define:

soundof(animal::Symbol) = soundof(Val(animal))

However, when using soundof(animal::Symbol) in another function, dynamic dispatch might occur if Julia cannot infer the value of the argument animal at compile time, resulting in considerable slowdowns.

Using @valsplit, we can avoid this issue by compiling away the dispatch logic as a switch statement. We do this simply by annotating our method definition with @valsplit, and annotating each argument x::T we want to switch upon as Val(x::T):

@valsplit function soundof(Val(animal::Symbol))
    error("Sound not defined for animal: \$animal")

The resulting function effectively compiles to the following switch statement, where the original method body is used as the default branch:

function soundof(animal::Symbol)
    if animal == :dog
        return "woof"
    elseif animal == :cat
        return "nyan"
        error("Sound not defined for animal: \$animal")

However, unlike a manually-written switch statement, @valsplit-defined functions will automatically recompile when new methods are added. For example, if we add the method:

soundof(animal::Val{:human}) = "meh"

Then soundof(animal::Symbol) will recompile to a switch statement with an additional branch:

function soundof(animal::Symbol)
    if animal == :dog
        return "woof"
    elseif animal == :cat
        return "nyan"
    elseif animal == :human
        return "meh"
        error("Sound not defined for animal: \$animal")

As such, @valsplit-annotated functions preserve extensibility, while achieving the run-time performance of switch statements (or better, if constant propagation results in compile-time pruning of branches).


The @valsplit macro is intended to address the following two issues:

  • Dynamic dispatch over Val-typed arguments is slow
  • Alternative solutions such as manually-written switch statements and global dictionaries are often insufficient for the purposes of extensibility.

Note that dynamic dispatch does not always occur: When there are a small number of values to split on (less than 4, as of Julia 1.6), the Julia compiler automatically generates a switch statement:

soundof(animal::Val{:dog}) = "woof"
soundof(animal::Val{:cat}) = "nyan"
soundof(animal::Symbol) = soundof(Val(animal))

julia> @code_typed soundof(:cat)
1%1  = invoke Main.Val(_2::Symbol)::Val{_A} where _A
│   %2  = (isa)(%1, Val{:cat})::Bool
└──       goto #3 if not %2
2 ─       goto #6
3%5  = (isa)(%1, Val{:dog})::Bool
└──       goto #5 if not %5
4 ─       goto #6
5%8  = Main.soundof(%1)::String
└──       goto #6
6%10 = φ (#2 => "nyan", #4 => "woof", #5 => %8)::String
└──       return %10
) => String

But once more methods are defined, the Julia compiler no longer performs this optimization:

for i in 1:4
    sound = "sound $i"
    eval(:(soundof(animal::Val{Symbol(:animal, $i)}) = $sound))
soundof(animal::Symbol) = soundof(Val(animal))

julia> @code_typed soundof(:animal1)
1%1 = invoke Main.Val(_2::Symbol)::Val{_A} where _A
│   %2 = Main.soundof(%1)::Any
└──      return %2
) => Any

To avoid dynamic dispatch, manually switching on a set of values is the fastest in terms of both compile-time and run-time, but the set of values to switch upon cannot be extended. Global dictionaries can partially address this problem by associating values with code:

const SOUND_OF = Dict{Symbol,Function}()

woof() = "woof"
SOUND_OF[:dog] = woof

nyan() = "nyan"
SOUND_OF[:cat] = nyan

soundof(animal::Symbol) = SOUND_OF[animal]()

However, dictionary lookup times are usually slower compared to (small) switch statements. In addition, this approach runs into issues with precompilation, preventing a downstream module from adding new entries to a global dictionary defined in another module (except at run-time using the __init__ function). In other words, global dictionaries are not extensible across module boundaries.

The @valsplit macro addresses this problem because new methods can always be introduced by downstream modules, resulting in recompilation of the @valsplit annotated function. It effectively uses Julia's method table as a global dictionary, but avoids the overhead of dynamic dispatch using the same @generated function tricks used to implement static_hasmethod in Tricks.jl.

A small benchmark is provided here. With 10 values to branch on, running Julia 1.6.1 on a Windows machine, the results of the benchmark are as follows:

Manual switch statement:
  3.275 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
Global Dict{Symbol,String}:
  78.800 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
Global LittleDict{Symbol,String}:
  111.600 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
Dynamic dispatch:
  2.300 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
Val-splitting with @valsplit:
  3.275 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes


ValSplit.jl provides a few other utility functions for determining whether a method with particular Val-typed argument exists.

To determine the set of all Val parameters associated with a particular argument of a particular function, use valarg_params:

valarg_params(f, types::Type{<:Tuple}, idx::Int, ptype::Type=Any)

Given a method signature (f, types), finds all matching methods with a concrete Val-typed argument in position idx, then returns all parameter values for the Val-typed argument as a tuple. Optionally, ptype can be specified to filter parameter values that are instances of ptype.

This function is statically compiled, and will automatically be recompiled whenever a new method of f is defined.

To determine whether a particular argument of a particular function has a specific Val parameter, use valarg_has_param:

valarg_has_param(f, types::Type{<:Tuple}, param, idx::Int, ptype::Type=Any)

Given a method signature (f, types), returns true if there exists a matching method with a Val-typed argument in position idx with parameter param and parameter type ptype.

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