
Matrices with column weights
Author mcabbott
0 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
August 2018

Weighted Arrays .jl

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This simple package defines a WeightedMatrix, a struct with vector of weights corresponding to the columns of a matrix. By default the weights(x) add up to 1. The array(x) values may have a box constraint:

julia> Weighted(randn(3,5))
Weighted 3×5 Array{Float64,2}, of unclamped θ:
 -0.264476   -1.83297      0.0669732  -0.340433  -1.87672
  0.0461253  -0.330401     0.0215189   2.3129    -1.78839
  0.461376    0.00486523  -0.819182   -1.43221   -0.855756
with normalised weights p(θ), 5-element Array{Float64,1}:
 0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2  0.2

julia> Weighted(rand(2,4), ones(4), 0, 1)
Weighted 2×4 Array{Float64,2}, clamped 0.0  θ  1.0:
 0.7842    0.257179  0.483388  0.780996
 0.138967  0.748165  0.387104  0.167825
with normalised weights p(θ), 4-element Array{Float64,1}:
 0.25  0.25  0.25  0.25

These examples are roughly wrandn(3,5) and wrand(2,4), there are also sub-random sobol(3,7) and regular wgrid(2, 0:0.1:1). Their values are mutable, clamp!(x) will enforce the box constraint, and normalise!(x) (with an s) the weights.

They are not subtypes of AbstractArray, but many functions will work. For instance x[1:2, :] keeps only the first two rows (and the weights), hcat(x,y) will concatenate the weights, and mapslices(f,x) will act with f on columns & then restore weights. sort(x) re-arranges columns to order by the weights, sortcols(x) orders by the array instead, unique(x) will accumulate the weights of identical columns. A few functions like log(x) and tanh(x) act element-wise but update the box constraints appropriately.

Most of this will work for any N-dimensional Array, not just a Matrix. The weights then belong to the last dimension.

Plot example

Plot recipes are defined, in which the area of points indicating weight. The example shown is a grid plus a bivariate sub-random normal distribution:

julia> using Plots

julia> plot(wgrid(2, -5:5), m=:+)

julia> plot!(soboln(2, 2000), m=:diamond, c=:red)

With more than three rows e.g. plot(wrandn(4,50)), it will plot the first two principal components (and attempt to scale these correctly). There is a function pplot(x) which saves the PCA function (see help for wPCA(x)) in a global variable, so that pplot!(t) can add more points on the same axes.