Dependency Packages
LPVSpectral.jl12Least-squares (sparse) spectral estimation and (sparse) LPV spectral decomposition.
Neurthino.jl12Neutrino oscillation probability calculator
PlotShapefiles.jl12A package to plot shapefiles with Julia.
Mice.jl12A package for missing data handling via multiple imputation by chained equations in Julia. It is heavily based on the R package {mice} by Stef van Buuren, Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn and collaborators.
MomentOpt.jl12A Julia modeling layer for the Generalized Moment Problem
MINLPTests.jl12Unit and Integration Tests for JuMP NLP and MINLP solvers
Lints.jl12Libint2 interface to Julia
GTPSA.jl12Julia interface to the Generalised Truncated Power Series Algebra (GTPSA) library
ModelConstructors.jl12Build custom model types for estimation.
NeuroAnalysis.jl12Neural Signal Analysis
BivariateCopulas.jl12An implementation of bivariate copulas and bivariate distributions in Julia
JointSurvivalModels.jl12Julia implementation of joint models combining longitudinal and survival endpoints
FFTInterpolations.jl12A package for FFT based interpolations of N-dimensional arrays.
FFTResampling.jl12A package for FFT based interpolations of N-dimensional arrays.
GridPotentialFlow.jl12A set of tools to solve potential flows past bodies on a Cartesian grid
NLPModelsKnitro.jl12A thin KNITRO wrapper for NLPModels
MitosisStochasticDiffEq.jl12Backward-filtering forward-guiding with StochasticDiffEq.jl
JellyMe4.jl12RCall support for MixedModels.jl and lme4
ARDESPOT.jl12Implementation of the AR-DESPOT POMDP algorithm
Inequality.jl12Julia package for computing inequality indicators
FeedbackParticleFilters.jl12A Julia package that provides (feedback) particle filters for nonlinear stochastic filtering and data assimilation problems
Paillier.jl12A Julia implementation of the Paillier partially homomorphic encryption system
CategoryData.jl12TensorKit extension for reading in categorical data.
GeoClustering.jl12Geostatistical clustering methods for the GeoStats.jl framework
FaultDetectionTools.jl12Fault Detection and Isolation Tools in Julia
PDEBase.jl12Common types and interface for discretizers of ModelingToolkit PDESystems.
EMpht.jl12[Julia Package] Fitting Phase-Type Distributions using an EM Algorithm
PolynomialBases.jl12Polynomial bases for spectral element methods.
HighFrequencyCovariance.jl12A package for estimating and regularising correlation and covariance matrices with high frequency financial data
MomentArithmetic.jl12Rigorous moment propagation with partial information about moments and dependencies in Julia
ContinuousTimeMarkov.jl12Julia package for Markov chains in continuous time.
LFAToolkit.jl12Local Fourier Analysis for arbitrary order finite element type operators
GasChromatographySimulator.jl11A package for the simulation of gas chromatography (GC)
Arrowhead.jl11Arrowhead and DPR1 eigenvalues
DiffEqMonteCarlo.jl11Monte Carlo simulation routines for high-performance parallelization of differential equation solvers and scientific machine learning
MomentTensors.jl11Seismic moment tensors in Julia
DFControl.jl11DFT control
MultiPrecisionArrays.jl11Mulitprecision Arrays
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