Dependency Packages
BioMedQuery.jl17Julia utilities for interacting with biomedical databases and biomedical application programming interfaces (APIs)
Gogeta.jl17Representing machine learning models using mathematical programming
GLPKMathProgInterface.jl17DEPRECATED: Interface between the GLPK.jl wrapper and MathProgBase.jl
TimeDag.jl17A computational graph for time-series processing.
BioformatsLoader.jl17A julia package to load images using bioformats
MultivariateOrthogonalPolynomials.jl17Supports approximating functions and solving differential equations on various higher dimensional domains such as disks and triangles
Nclusion.jl17Scalable nonparametric clustering with unified marker gene selection for single-cell RNA-seq data
LowRankIntegrators.jl17Package for approximation of solutions to matrix differential equations or time-dependent matrices via dynamically evolving low rank decomposition.
PeaceFounder.jl17Centralised E2E verifiable evoting via pseudonym braiding and history trees
MzXML.jl17Load mass spectrometry mzXML files
MiniZinc.jl17A Julia interface to the MiniZinc constraint modeling language
UncertainData.jl17Working efficiently with datasets where observations have associated uncertainties.
LITS.jl17Low Inertia Transient Simulation Toolbox for Power Systems
JSXGraph.jl17[wip] Julia bridge to JSXGraph for interactive plots
PSIS.jl17Pareto smoothed importance sampling
JOLI.jl17Julia Operators LIbrary
SpinDoctor.jl17Diffusion MRI Simulation Toolbox in Julia
LikelihoodProfiler.jl17LikelihoodProfiler is a Julia package for practical identifiability analysis and confidence intervals evaluation.
TurbulentWords.jl17Make turbulence with words
FCSFiles.jl17🧫 Read Flow Cytometry Standard (FCS) files in Julia
AlgebraPDF.jl17Adding, multiplying density functions, fitting LLH
JuliaGrid.jl17JuliaGrid is an easy-to-use power system simulation tool for researchers and educators provided as a Julia package.
KiteSimulators.jl17Simulators for kite power systems
MRCFile.jl16Read and write files and manipulate data in the MRC2014 format
NonconvexUtils.jl16Some convenient hacks when using Nonconvex.jl.
MCHammer.jl16Monte Carlo Simulation and Business Analysis tools for Julia
LiftedTrajectoryGames.jl16A neural network accelerated solver for mixed-strategy solutions of trajectory games. Do you even lift?
McCormick.jl16A forward McCormick operator library
PkgToSoftwareBOM.jl16Produces a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) describing your Julia Pkg environment. SBOM is in the SPDX format
NighttimeLights.jl16Package to analyse VIIRS nighttime lights
KrigingEstimators.jl16Kriging estimators for the GeoStats.jl framework
HallThruster.jl16An open-source fluid Hall thruster code
RadiationSpectra.jl16Toolkit for analysis of radiation spectra in Julia
DocumenterDiagrams.jl16Diagram features for Documenter.jl, powered by Kroki.jl
SBMLImporter.jl16Import dynamic models in the SBML format into a ReactionSystem for Gillespie, SDE and ODE simulations
PlutoWorkspaceExplorer.jl16All your variable are belong to us
PhyloPlots.jl16Display utilities for phylogenetic trees and networks
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