Dependency Packages
JHistint.jl0Julia interface for implementing REST APIs available on the CDSA (Cancer Slide Digital Archive) portal for managing histological images available from TCGA. The library includes functions for managing image processing algorithms for cell segmentation, constructing the adjacency matrix, tessellation process and interfacing with J-Space.jl.
OpticSimVis.jl0A visualization package for the OpticSim Julia package
JetPackTransforms.jl0Jet transform operators that depend on FFTW.jl, and Wavelets.jl. Part of the COFII framework.
EnvironmentalTransport.jl0Algorithms for the transport of mass and energy in the environment
JefimenkoModels.jl0Time-domain solver for the electromagnetic fields produced by arbitrary (electric and magnetic) charges and currents.
PlantGeomTurtle.jl0Generate geometry meshes from graphs using turtle algorithms
ScatteringOptics.jl0A Julia package to simulate and model interstellar scattering in strong regime.
BasicAkerRelationalScore.jl0This is a dimensionality reduction algorithm which has the goal of maintaining interpretability i.e we eliminate variables directly from potential models that don't seem to add any predictive power.
PlantGeomPrimitives.jl0Meshes and functions to generate geometry primitives
ContinuumMechanicsBase.jl0Definition of basic tensors for continuum mechanics calculations
Schrute.jl0Complete transcripts to The Office TV show
OscarDevTools.jl0Tools for developing Oscar and for continuous integration
Planets.jl0Functions related to planet formation or planet structure models.
NiaARM.jl0Numerical Association Rule Mining in Julia
Fri.jl0Simple proof of concept for feature relevance bounds written in Julia.
ITensorMPOCompression.jl0Block respecting compression of MPOs and iMPOs
SOCRATESSingleColumnForcings.jl0Construct forcing data from Atlas et al (2020),, for use with TurbulenceConvection.jl
AnovaMixedModels.jl0Conduct one-way and multi-way anova in Julia with MixedModels.jl
SCRAM.jl0Simple SCRAM authentication in Julia
AxisTables.jl0Tables with AxisIndices backend
Bitly.jl0A Julia package for interacting with the Bitly API
NFLTables.jl0Functions to access NFL data
BitemporalReactive.jl0A prototype of a reactive Webapp for bitemporal data management of insurance contracts.
Orthography.jl0Work with rigorously defined scholarly editions of digital texts adhering to a specified orthography.
PiecewisePolynomials.jl0Implementation of piecewise polynomials on a segment
Flamenco.jl0Simple and fast HTTP parser for CRUD API backend Julia web frameworks
GraphQLite.jl0Simple, fast, limited-scope implementation of GraphQL in Julia
ANOVAapprox.jl0Approximation Package for High-Dimensional Functions in Julia
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